Idiot's Convention

Thursday, June 24


Seems there are lots of guys out there looking for someone.

Name: Wayland Wang
D.O.B.: 09/02/1986
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Brown

Height: 187cm
Likes: " things. Simpsons, MSN...pretty much anything really"
Dislikes: "Um...dunno...lotsa stuff as comes to old printer..."
Position in the army of Anna the Supreme Ruler of the Universe: "A loyal servant who is actually a secret agent bringing the establishment down from the inside. make that a loyal general, commander of the robots"

A: If you had a fire truck, what would you call it?
W: Squirter

A: What do you think of pancakes?
W: deliciously flat

A: As a general, what tips can you give future officers of my army?
W: Join the dark side my friends! Usurp the tyrannical Anna!

A: Can you operate a machine gun while flying a helicopter?
W: I can parachute out of a helicopter...desert the cause and stuff you know...but I am a quick maybe

A: If Jean were in a flaming building, how would you save her?
W: Heroically burst in the door, get stuck inside and call on Superman to save us! Or I could use Squirter...but you know...this sounds better...

A: If you saw Jean sitting alone, how would you ask her to dance?
W: Why all the questions about Jean? And I don't know how to probably not...not out on the street anyway...or anywhere in public...but I would probably go over to talk to her.

A: Jean is the only person we have in common, I'm too lazy to make up hypothetical people.
W: LOL, fine.

A: Anyway... If you were a mage, what element would you specialise in (eg, fire or lightning)? Why?
W: Lightning, cos lightning's the best!

A: But you might accidentally fry your girlfriend! Anyway... Who is cuter, elton john or george bush?
W: george bush, cos he's so funnily stoopid

A: Are you gay?!
W: no i'm not

A: Well, it's an important question!
W: haha, true, but i'm perfectly straight

A: Oh, another important question! what kind of girl do you like?
W: any i'm not fussed at this stage

A: What happened to the bikini models?
W: oh yeah, them too, whoever and what's with the bikini models anyway?

A: It's the stereotype for doctors.
W: LOL really? well, if you get me hooked up with a bikini model i'd be very happy

A: OK, in movies, and CSI Miami, where everyone seems to walk around in bikinis. Females I mean! I'm an engineer, I don't know any!
W: well that's different, lol, I wasn't thinking that, but now that you mention it...

A: Oh, are YOU a closet bikini man?
W: ...maybe sometimes .look, it was only once ok!! Quit bugging me about it. And it wasn't a bikini, I had a skirt and something else dunno how to say it, um kinda a vest but girly nonetheless. lol it was for med camp, everyone did it!
And that's all folks. Interested?
Check out his blog, too[but he has retired for the moment :'( ]:

Short retirement

Yay! I have a new project. I know that I retired from matchmaking, but Ricky-san (:P) is just too irresistable. He's looking for "cute geeky girls". Here's the interview:

Name: Richard Francis Cook
D.O.B.: 03/10/1986
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Brown

Height: "about 6foot"
Likes: "being pretentious", and geeks
Dislikes: "non pretentious things"
Position in the army of Anna the Supreme Ruler of the Universe: "unnoticed bystander" (promotion pending)

A: If you had a pie and you could do anything with it, what would it be?
R: eat its delicious insides

A: What do you think of pancakes?
R: a poor subtitute for pie (elimination order pending)

A: What is your greatest talent and how will it serve me in my quest to take over the world?
R: poor spelling. Well, no thats not really going to help at all. Thats probably why i'm an unnoticed bystander

A: Can you operate a F/A-22 Raptor?
R: i would be lying if i didn't say yes

A: There should be more questions that I should be asking you, but I can't think of anything else that they'd want to know. So, any miscellaneous stuff?
R: they'd want to know :P who's gonna read this anyway :P i'm pretty much on a computer all the time when i'm awake.. thats probably necessary!

A: Tell me more!
R: no :P

A: Please. I'll be your best friend!
R: iiiii reffuuuse!

A: You cannot resist. It's natural for someone to talk about themselves.
R: I'm unnatural^_^

A: Ah! You just told me something. What do you do in your spare time?
R: you know watch anime. .and i play video games too! so i must you know steal candy from little children aswell.. because i am a bad man because video games warp zee mind

A: Considering that, i don't know why you don't already have a girlfriend (that was NOT sarcastic)
R: o-ok.. thanks for clearing that up!

A: Respond, say something!
R: purple monkey dishwasher

A: I guess that concludes this little interview. Thank you ricky-san :P
R: oh noes i've been quoted

To quote Warren: Over to you, ladies.

Sunday, June 20

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a pig?!

I don't know if pigs are flying out there, but something that I never thought could happen happened. Victor the Great, a.k.a. The Evil One, was actually nice to me! He still kicked my ass at chess, but he helped me catch Christian who had run off with my 'Director of Play' badge. He even gave me his phone number! Victor isn't THAT evil, but it's so cool that he's finally being nice.

Victor, Aylwin and I went to have lunch together before the chess tournament. Aylwin started telling gross stories like what happens to pooh when you eat too many chillies. Suddenly I wasn't so hungry...

As a DOP, I had cool DOP-ish powers, like telling people to shut up, and instilling fear in the hearts of the competitors. I did tell a lot of people to shut up, and was told to shut up in return. So much for instilling fear...

Nick told me that Fiona (that person that I mentioned earlier) doesn't want to be a chess teacher anymore. That's so sad because she's really nice.

Wednesday, June 16

Crazy Music Teachers

I was going through all the sheet music that I'd collected over the years, and I found this one song that I was supposed to play for a concert. I was told to do the cello part, but Hayden (my piano teacher at the time, and who I miss surprisingly much), wanted me to learn the cello, viola and two violin parts and play them all at once. And you think I'm crazy!

But I'm going to try it anyway.

Tuesday, June 15

End of my short-lived career

After failure #7, I've decided to resign as a match-maker. Obviously, I'm really bad at it, and should quit before someone tries to kill me! But I did manage to get Tom to talk to Elise. The power of not-so-modern technology- the 3-way call! (For those who are wondering, Elise is well- a bit hungover when I called her, but well.)

Elise was a bit surprised to hear from Tom. I let them talk for a bit, so I have no idea what they were talking about. But I'm afraid that I was right, she did break up with her boyfriend. Only she has a new one now... poor Tom. I tried to convince them to go out for coffee anyway, but Elise wasn't feeling too awake and wanted to sleep. Plus, her mum was stuck on top of a cupboard and she had to go.

So there ends my career as a matchmaker.

I wrote down this number a while ago, does anyone know who it belongs too? 0431258250. It's almost my cousin Scott's number. But it isn't. Does anyone recognise it? I've tried calling it, but the phone always seems to be off.

Sunday, June 13

Elise, Fiona, Tom and Tuesday

Well, since Tom said that he isn't going to post a comment, and Elise doesn't even know this is here, I'm going to record my plans on how I'm going to get the two of them together. (It'll probably serve no purpose other than to help prepare my future victims.)

I played chess against this person named Fiona, and I don't know why, but I told her about what I'm trying to do with Elise and Tom. After convincing her that I had good intentions (Ha! I don't know how that happened) she suggested something, though it wasn't far from what I was already trying to do. But she did bring up and important point. Maybe there is a reason why he's not calling her. She said that he might be too proud, but I'm not too sure about that one.

Oh, but I am making progress. I've established that they both like coffee.

Tom wrote:

"coffee is ok most days, except tuesday & friday. however, i generally drink coffee in the morning, or at latest lunch. if we go for coffee, you have to have a coffee too. and i don't care who comes, i just want to drink coffee (coffee is good)."

Elise wrote something a while ago about inviting someone for coffee and sex, so I'm going to logically conclude that she likes coffee.

And Tom also wrote:

"given that that is failure #7[my seventh failure at making a match], why not make challenge #8 something that might be achievable, say, painting your eldar, or getting me to talk to elise?"

So he thinks that getting him to talk to Elise is achievable!!!

But I think that I've hit a problem. In one of the last emails she sent me, Elise mentioned that she had a boyfriend, I think his name is Scott, though I might have pulled that name out of thin air. Whoops, thinking of someone else. James, maybe? Now I'm too scared to tell Tom in case it breaks his heart (which is my fault since I brought her up in conversation). He claims that his heart is unbreakable, yet he said that I broke it just because he wanted to prove me wrong (I know that makes no sense, but it's a long story. 74 minutes, in fact. I could fit it on to a CD {nonsensical rambling- it's been a long day, midnight shift rocks!}). But if I've kinda broken his heart already, it won't hurt to tell him that Elise might have a boyfriend. Don't want to jinx Elise, but maybe they broke up.

My last problem is timing. Tom said that he's free for coffee on Wednesday. But that's after Tuesday, which is when my 2-week interest in this expires. So hopefully I can convince him to call her today, so that they can be off and having coffee by tomorrow, and I will have succeeded by Tuesday.

Am I crazy, or am I crazy? (Wow, this is long)

Friday, June 11


Everyone has seen or read something about matchmaking, right? Or at least heard of it. It looks so easy, but in actual fact, it's not as easy as it seems. I hadn't tried to match anyone before, so my failure rate was 0% at the start of this year. Then Ting (girl) and I realised that Sharon and Duong was hopeless (sorry, Sharon!!!). So I shot from 0% to 100%. *sobs*

Also on my list were:
2. Sharon and Lucien -FAILED
3. Ting and Ting (LOL!!!)-FAILED
4. Lucien and Graham-FAILED*
5. Graham and Tom-FAILED MISERABLY**
6. William and Jean-FAILED

And now my current challenge, Tom and Elise. (Tom, if you're reading her already!)

I'm trying to convince them to go out for coffee together, but I can't seem to contact Elise. So I've decided to make an online petition. Post a comment and say if you think Tom should call Elise! Pleeeeeeeeeeease, I don't like having failed so much.

*This was before I met Sam.
**This was after I met Sam, but I though that it'd be really cool if they were together. :D (But Graham isn't gay.)

Thursday, June 10


Looking at the course thingy for software eng combined degrees, I realised that I get to do 3 arts subjects next year! So taking out the 2 Japanese ones, that leaves one spare. I have no idea what I want to do anymore.

I did want to do philosophy and criminology, but making those argument maps doesn't seem like too much fun. Now I'm kinda leaning towards cinema studies (did you know that there's a whole subject dedicated to Hong Kong movies?). But then again, text response wasn't my favourite part of English. Sharon suggested Chinese, but one look at the list of Kanji I have to learn and I quickly ran away from that idea. Archaeology seems good, always did like myths. But from what Graham has been doing, it looks like a lot of reading and writing. ESL!!! I want to do ESL! Communication skills, hmmm, maybe not. Creative writing? Well, my last poem was booed out of existance...

How about history and philosophy of science? Jesse (my Intro Programming tutor) said that it's good. Italian? *thinks back to year 10 Italian* Am I insane? Physics is an art? Planning and design! I heard that there's a subject that requires you to draw one box-ish looking thing every two weeks and that's it. No exam or anything! Only, I can't draw...

Vietnamese? If I do that then I'll have so many people to help.

Someone give me a suggestion!

Monday, June 7

Why I started this blog

I don't know why I have a blog, since I already keep a diary, but the only way I could post a comment on Jean's blog was to sign up, so I did.

Now she's supposed to post one on mine (hint, hint).

Well, I figure a blog is easier than a diary, since I type much faster than I write, and it's way neater, ( when I write faster than one word a minute it's illegible). But then a blog is public, so I don't think this will be a substitute for a diary. (Don't want everyone to know how I'm going to take over the world...wait... I've already told them... Hmmmmm....)

Well, today was the day of the Maths A test. I'm glad that Software Eng only requires 2 math subjects, that means that if I somehow pass this exam, then that leaves only one maths subject, and then after that none! Yay!