Everyone has seen or read something about matchmaking, right? Or at least heard of it. It looks so easy, but in actual fact, it's not as easy as it seems. I hadn't tried to match anyone before, so my failure rate was 0% at the start of this year. Then Ting (girl) and I realised that Sharon and Duong was hopeless (sorry, Sharon!!!). So I shot from 0% to 100%. *sobs*
Also on my list were:
2. Sharon and Lucien -FAILED
3. Ting and Ting (LOL!!!)-FAILED
4. Lucien and Graham-FAILED*
5. Graham and Tom-FAILED MISERABLY**
6. William and Jean-FAILED
And now my current challenge, Tom and Elise. (Tom, if you're reading her already!)
I'm trying to convince them to go out for coffee together, but I can't seem to contact Elise. So I've decided to make an online petition. Post a comment and say if you think Tom should call Elise! Pleeeeeeeeeeease, I don't like having failed so much.
*This was before I met Sam.
**This was after I met Sam, but I though that it'd be really cool if they were together. :D (But Graham isn't gay.)
ME and WILLIAM!!! i didn't even know that you were trying to set us up... no wonder you fail miserably anna!
Unknown, at 3:30 pm, June 12, 2004
Well that's a first. Most people seem to know that I'm trying to set them up... mostly because I tell them. Then they object which makes it all the more fun ^_^
Fodder, at 3:03 am, June 13, 2004
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