Green Days
A bit late as I've been to lazy to type anything, and preocupied with some other stuff (just stared playing Lemmings, much fun!). But my green day was the 23rd of June. For those who haven't seen the whiteboard in my room, I write down reminders for all the things I have to do. Good things are written in green, and bad things are written in red. When I look at my board and there are a lot of red things, I decide to add some green things to balance things out. When I look and there are a lot of green things, then I'm happy :)
Well, the 23rd of June should have been a red day, as it was the day of my Japanese exam. Though it was odd as I saw my first green car on that day. By green I mean the colour of pine trees green, not that blue-green colour. In fact, I saw a total of nine green cars that day, which was pretty incredible.
Then the 24th of June was another green day. Gelati, yummy!
Wow, trying to pick up the train of thought that I had when I started this post is hard. I have no idea what I was talking about. :S
Well, I've explained the whole green day/red day thing.
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