Idiot's Convention

Monday, June 27

Green Days

A bit late as I've been to lazy to type anything, and preocupied with some other stuff (just stared playing Lemmings, much fun!). But my green day was the 23rd of June. For those who haven't seen the whiteboard in my room, I write down reminders for all the things I have to do. Good things are written in green, and bad things are written in red. When I look at my board and there are a lot of red things, I decide to add some green things to balance things out. When I look and there are a lot of green things, then I'm happy :)

Well, the 23rd of June should have been a red day, as it was the day of my Japanese exam. Though it was odd as I saw my first green car on that day. By green I mean the colour of pine trees green, not that blue-green colour. In fact, I saw a total of nine green cars that day, which was pretty incredible.

Then the 24th of June was another green day. Gelati, yummy!

Wow, trying to pick up the train of thought that I had when I started this post is hard. I have no idea what I was talking about. :S

Well, I've explained the whole green day/red day thing.

Friday, June 24

Stolen From Jean - my poor brain is not feeling creative today

1. What is your full name?
Anna Chang.

2. What color pants are you wearing?
Blue, I'm almost always in jeans.

3. What are you listening to right now?
The whirring of my computer. Ah, so comforting.

4. What was the last thing you ate?

5. Do you wish on stars?
Only gren ones.

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

7. How is the weather right now?
I think as a geeky engineering student, I'm not supposed to know the answer to that question, but as I was outside not long ago, it's cold. Ah, the shame!

8. Last person you spoke to on the phone?

9. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
Yes..... *furtive glance*

10. How old are you today?

11. Favorite drink? alcoholic or otherwise?
Orange juice.

12. Favorite sport?
Curling. Join the Melbourne Uni Curling Team, you know you want to.

13. Color of hair?

14. Siblings?
One brother, two sisters. And one adopted twin.

15. Favourite food?

16.What was the last movie u watched?
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous.

17. Favourite day of the year?
25th of December.

18. what was ur favourite toy as a child?
The NES.

19. Winter or Summer?Summer.

20. Hugs or kisses?

21. chocolate or vanilla?

22. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back?
Yes, because I'll get that new message thing and feel loved. =)

23. Who is most likely to respond?
Santa Claus.

24. Who is least likely to respond?
Saddam Hussein.

25. What are ur living arrangments? .
Living with family.

26. When was the last time you cried?
Can't remember.

27. What is under your bed?
Carpet. And a couple of monsters.

28. Who is the friend u have had the longest?

29. What did you do last night?
Ummm.... no comment.

30. Favorite smell?

31. What inspires you?
Seeing a good movie.

32. Who would you like to kill at the moment?
Anyone that thinks Japanese verb conjugation is fun.

33.Plain, butter or salted popcorn?

34. Favorite car/truck?
George Jetson's car, in The Jetsons.

35. Favourite flower?
Tulips, for no reason other than the fact that they resemble the flowers in the Mario games.

36. Number of keys on your key ring?
2, and one keyring.

37.How many months at your current job?
16. Wow, that's scary.

38. Favourite day of the week?

39. What did you do on your last birthday?
Got presents.

40. How many states have you lived in?
1. The solid state. Although if we're mostly water, does that mean I'm mostly in a liquid state?

41. How many cities have you lived in?
1. Melbourne.

42. Most prized possession?
My lucky cow.

43. Favorite song right now?
Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata

44. Biggest annoyance?
Me, I am Anna the Annoying, after all.

45. What are you looking forward to?
Going to Sydney!

46. What's the coolest thing you've eaten recently?
Pancakes with apples and cinnamon. Mmmmmm.

47. Current obsession?
Freecell. Farewell Sudoku.

Tuesday, June 7

Post Secret


Monday, June 6

Off and Away!

I know I should be studying, but I've decided to take a little break and write instead. Firstly, I've decided that I'm going away to Sydney for a few days. I've never actually been anywhere or done anything without someone else watching over me (friend or family), so this is going to be my test to see if I can handle it. There are a few reasons for this, but the biggest one is because there's a thing that's running in Japan where you can go and work there for 6 months, but it'll require being in a completely new setting where most people will speak a language that is not native to me. The language part I can handle, or will get used to at least, it's the being alone thing that scares me. So yes, Sydney is my test run.

But there are a few things that I'd like to do before I go to Sydney.

1. Get hopelessly drunk.

I know, it's a weird thing to do, but I've been talking to a few people that I've only met online, and who I want to meet in Sydney. One of them is a breakdancer, and I'm going to try and get him to teach me something. But I only think I'll do it if drunk. I'd rather get drunk with people that I trust, so that I'll know if it's a good idea or not. I know that meeting complete strangers that you only know over the Internet is not a good idea in itself, but they seem really nice. OK, I'll admit that everyone seems nice when they're an axe-wielding Tauren Shaman standing between you and death by Paladin. At least if I don't return from Sydney, you'll know because he turned out to be an axe-wielding Human Psycho standing between me and the exit. Look out for me in the news.

2. Start a jogging thing.

I went to the Careers Expo on Saturday and picked up some information on becoming a fireperson. Two of the major requirements are a drivers license and passing a fitness test. Drivers license is doable, but I mentioned it to someone and he said that he didn't think the physical part was my thing. I thought about it, and I have to say that I agree. I don't think I want to be a fireperson anymore, but I also don't want to miss out on doing something just because I can't meet the physical requirements. So I'd like to promote myself from the computer chair potato status someday. This isn't something that I need to do before I go to Sydney, but I'd like to organise something before then - just in case I need to run away from maniacs. Lena and Michael said they're up for it.

3. Break away from the Freecell-Sudoku hold.

I think Jean's right when she said that changing from Freecell to Sudoku is like giving up cocaine to start on heroine. I know that I won't be able to use computers as often in Sydney, and since I don't read the news, I see no reason to buy the paper, so I'll probably have little access to either Freecell or Sudoku. So I am not going to do either. Besides, I'm only looking forward to the hard and difficult ones now.

4. Beat Jean-Luc at Age of Kings.

I'm not usually competitive, but at the chess club, there's this kid who really wants to play me in Age of Kings, and for some reason, I want to beat him. I have no idea why. I think of him as a little brother, but there's just something about this challenge. It's something that I'll probably have to do before I go, because I think he'll be back at school by the time I get back.

Oh, I just remembered that I'll miss one session of Pendragon if I leave when I want to. Hmmm. Decisions, decisions... I want to stay as long as possible, but I also have to be back for Jean's birthday.