New Answering Machine Message
I'm in love with our latest answering machine message. :)
It's the Mentos Answering Machine Message, by the Brown Derbies.
Sorry we cannot take your call.
We're not at home now.
We would have answered the phone,
But clearly we're not at home,
And your call is an important one.
We'll get back to you,
To make sure that we do,
Leave a message so we know you called.
Leave a message, (backup: name and number)
Leave a message,
Start recording at the tone
Mentos, the message taker.
Thanks. Maybe you can use it too. I also have recording answering machine messages, it really puts me off when I call home and get the machine.
Fodder, at 11:04 pm, August 03, 2005
LOL, I never even noticed that comment there!
Yes, back at uni. :'(
Fodder, at 11:07 pm, August 16, 2005
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