Off and Away!
I know I should be studying, but I've decided to take a little break and write instead. Firstly, I've decided that I'm going away to Sydney for a few days. I've never actually been anywhere or done anything without someone else watching over me (friend or family), so this is going to be my test to see if I can handle it. There are a few reasons for this, but the biggest one is because there's a thing that's running in Japan where you can go and work there for 6 months, but it'll require being in a completely new setting where most people will speak a language that is not native to me. The language part I can handle, or will get used to at least, it's the being alone thing that scares me. So yes, Sydney is my test run.
But there are a few things that I'd like to do before I go to Sydney.
1. Get hopelessly drunk.
I know, it's a weird thing to do, but I've been talking to a few people that I've only met online, and who I want to meet in Sydney. One of them is a breakdancer, and I'm going to try and get him to teach me something. But I only think I'll do it if drunk. I'd rather get drunk with people that I trust, so that I'll know if it's a good idea or not. I know that meeting complete strangers that you only know over the Internet is not a good idea in itself, but they seem really nice. OK, I'll admit that everyone seems nice when they're an axe-wielding Tauren Shaman standing between you and death by Paladin. At least if I don't return from Sydney, you'll know because he turned out to be an axe-wielding Human Psycho standing between me and the exit. Look out for me in the news.
2. Start a jogging thing.
I went to the Careers Expo on Saturday and picked up some information on becoming a fireperson. Two of the major requirements are a drivers license and passing a fitness test. Drivers license is doable, but I mentioned it to someone and he said that he didn't think the physical part was my thing. I thought about it, and I have to say that I agree. I don't think I want to be a fireperson anymore, but I also don't want to miss out on doing something just because I can't meet the physical requirements. So I'd like to promote myself from the computer chair potato status someday. This isn't something that I need to do before I go to Sydney, but I'd like to organise something before then - just in case I need to run away from maniacs. Lena and Michael said they're up for it.
3. Break away from the Freecell-Sudoku hold.
I think Jean's right when she said that changing from Freecell to Sudoku is like giving up cocaine to start on heroine. I know that I won't be able to use computers as often in Sydney, and since I don't read the news, I see no reason to buy the paper, so I'll probably have little access to either Freecell or Sudoku. So I am not going to do either. Besides, I'm only looking forward to the hard and difficult ones now.
4. Beat Jean-Luc at Age of Kings.
I'm not usually competitive, but at the chess club, there's this kid who really wants to play me in Age of Kings, and for some reason, I want to beat him. I have no idea why. I think of him as a little brother, but there's just something about this challenge. It's something that I'll probably have to do before I go, because I think he'll be back at school by the time I get back.
Oh, I just remembered that I'll miss one session of Pendragon if I leave when I want to. Hmmm. Decisions, decisions... I want to stay as long as possible, but I also have to be back for Jean's birthday.
count me in for the hopelessly drunk thing- i've been meaning to destroy some liver and brain cells also.
As for exercising... exam time makes me very vegetable. I plan on moving occasionally once the 25th of june rolls around... maybe... to walk to the fridge... to finish off that chocolate.
Still have fun in sydney. Jealous. Ah well, I'm going to be catching up on all the cool things I havent done for a while (ie. going to the library, making alginate models of teeth- ya know. cool)
Unknown, at 6:00 pm, June 06, 2005
Hehehe, thanks Richard. :)
Jean, yay. Come and get drunk with me, and you can meet my ex-gay best friend if he decides to come.
Yeah, I'm dreading the hangover, especially as I have a class the next day. :S I'm definitely meeting them in a public place, but I don't want to break dance in public!
I can't delete Freecell, I'd never be able to live with myself.
Cheaters never prosper, and it seems that you need a prosperous civilisation to win.
Pendragon is an RPG, of the Dungeons and Dragons kind, only it's set in the time of King Arthur.
Fodder, at 1:14 am, June 07, 2005
gud luck with the sydney thing... but i dont know if that's gonna help u much with japan. for one thing.. feeding urself and finding somewhere to live is so much more expensive, and u'll end up missing all the quality tv. while in sydney, most of that isnt a problem. of course, unless u r into jap soapies or horror films. they make realli gud ones of those. jogging? remember wat happened to the gym? u should just go gymming with ur mom, she's so much more fit than we are..
Anonymous, at 4:31 pm, June 15, 2005
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