Why I started this blog
I don't know why I have a blog, since I already keep a diary, but the only way I could post a comment on Jean's blog was to sign up, so I did.
Now she's supposed to post one on mine (hint, hint).
Well, I figure a blog is easier than a diary, since I type much faster than I write, and it's way neater, ( when I write faster than one word a minute it's illegible). But then a blog is public, so I don't think this will be a substitute for a diary. (Don't want everyone to know how I'm going to take over the world...wait... I've already told them... Hmmmmm....)
Well, today was the day of the Maths A test. I'm glad that Software Eng only requires 2 math subjects, that means that if I somehow pass this exam, then that leaves only one maths subject, and then after that none! Yay!
i never posted to a blog before
well done anna on getting one
have some fun with it
Anonymous, at 3:30 pm, June 07, 2004
nice! i've now officially made 4 different people procrastinate just days before their exams! i quite like the power that comes with corrupting others! (who moi? miss innocent?) Ok, i'm off to interfer with the lives of other people now! Hey anna, this is the way to take over the world, one blog at a time!
Unknown, at 9:11 pm, June 07, 2004
argh! you're gonna hunt me down for not posting a comment?
lessee, that goes.....under I'm gonna kill you from tom, under you stink from joey, and.....there. Just above I know where you live from trinh.
stupendous! marvellous! fantastic!
words I stick around the house to help me recover from the exams.
wonderful! excellent! brilliant!
wats a blog again?
I cannot get over the fact that they ruined some two thousand desks by drilling a little hole to put a cardholder for seat numbers.
And high schools go nuts over desk vandalism at schools.
(Teacher) Jim, you've got detention for writing on the table! Now come over here and help me drill this hole in this desk!
good luck with taking on the world and setting a quality example to those little boys and girls surfing the net who stumble upon your page.
(interviewer) so little girl, wat do you want to be when I grow up?
(little girl) I wanna take over the world!
(interviewer) righteo....*cough* code red code red *cough* and what do you want to be when you grow up little boy?
|black clad swat team in the background escorting little girl to their van|
(little boy) the president!
(interviewer) good for you
I'm too lazy to make my own blog...go anonymity!!
Anonymous, at 11:41 pm, June 07, 2004
Anonymous, at 12:19 am, June 08, 2004
hunt me down eh?
hmm.. and just how exactly are you going to figure out who i am ?!
oh BTW good luck for your exam tomorrow. SoftEng requires a few more programming subjects ;-)
Anonymous, at 12:28 pm, June 08, 2004
hey anna,
glad to see you're not driving yourself crazy with your first lot of exams & stuff for uni. good luck with tham all. don't study too hard! i mean it anna-
how r u finding it anyway?(uni) not sure what else to write....this blog thing is ...kinda....well...takes awhile to get "used to"
anyhoo, if u can guess who this is, email me or something on when your last exam is & stuff k? Catch........
Anonymous, at 11:36 am, June 09, 2004
I just noticed how hard it's going to be carrying out my threat of hunting down people who didn't comment, I can't work out who is who! I've figured that Ben is the one that said 'rar!', that was easy, but I'm not too sure about the rest. Lucien told me that he posted. Jean's is obvious too. No clue who tyler is. I think the holes person is Graham. The SoftEng person...hmmm, someone who's doing IntroProg, possibly Ting. But the last one, who is it? Tasha? Bec?
Fodder, at 12:39 pm, June 11, 2004
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