I Hate Alloc8
Considering my choice of subjects, I'm going to have to live with Alloc8 for a while. [I think I've mentioned it before, it's the timetabling system used by certain faculties at the University of Melbourne.]
Semester 2 timetable
I guess I don't have much to complain about, seeing as Jean has had a few 8AM starts, and I do get most of Monday off, but it's become a thing now. Ever semester, I must complain about my timetable. I'd be so happy if I could move my psych prac to Friday morning. Then Thursday will be less horrible. 9AM start and 6:15PM finish. :S
Oh, subject translation:
Japanese 2 242: 110-242: Japanese 2B - my Japanese subject
AlgorProbS 152: 433-152 Algorithmic Problem Solving - the second part of my first programming subject. We're learning Haskell, which Ting tells me is way better than C.
So De Cl P 121: 512-121 Social, Developmental & Clinical Psychology 1 - the second part of my psych subjects.
Sadly, no logic this semester :(
Alloc8 seems to like me a little more now.
New timetable
So I've gotten rid of the Friday where I only had one class(that's how it was when I first got it), as last semester I thought it was pretty dumb coming in for a psych lecture, and then going home again.
I can't spread my classes over to Monday though. :(
Awww... poor Richard, what language did you do it in?
Fodder, at 12:16 pm, July 21, 2005
only one 8am this semester! Woot! Almost makes up for the 30 hour weeks. (ok, I exaggerate... maybe only 25)
Unknown, at 2:42 pm, July 21, 2005
hey my timetable this semester is actually pretty good! long gone are those 2004 sem1 8am starts twice weekly (at least i got to share them with jean ;)), now i get TWO 11am starts and half my wednesdays off! awesome! THAT being said i DO have pretty full 9 to 5 thursdays and fridays so our week still rounds off to about an average of 21 or so hours (med timetable kinda changes each week, yes it's confusing).
i'm kinda disappointed we don't get to have clinicals every second week now though. we only get the ONE field placement this semester.
oh oh! i was just looking through my timetable and i just found the MOST GLORIOUS week - only 10 hours in week 7! my god! :D :D :D!
JingleBells, at 8:08 pm, July 21, 2005
hmm.. I think I said Haskell is shorter (like the code your have to write/type is shorter, good for lazy ppl), dont know where you got the impression of 'way better' from...
One good thing I must agree with is the lack of the anonying ';' on the end of a line!
Your timetable looks reasonable, although I would perfer an afternoon to a 9am... didn't know you are a morning person!
Anonymous, at 2:14 am, July 24, 2005
I found out that one of my friends is a lab demonstator for my algorithms class. So if I have any trouble, I can ask her. ^_^
Also, she got 100 for Theory of Computation, so I'm sure she knows what she's doing. :)
One more day of holidays...
Fodder, at 3:16 am, July 24, 2005
Yes, we certainly do have a good timetable this year. If only every week was like week 7...man...those lucky arts students.
Good thing for us our timetable is set for us, so that lazy buggers like me don't have to worry about finding the right classes :). Although I suppose we don't get any flexibility...but it's an even trade, especially when they've given us so many 11am starts!
Yay for us...
Wayland, at 12:48 pm, July 24, 2005
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