Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a pig?!
I don't know if pigs are flying out there, but something that I never thought could happen happened. Victor the Great, a.k.a. The Evil One, was actually nice to me! He still kicked my ass at chess, but he helped me catch Christian who had run off with my 'Director of Play' badge. He even gave me his phone number! Victor isn't THAT evil, but it's so cool that he's finally being nice.
Victor, Aylwin and I went to have lunch together before the chess tournament. Aylwin started telling gross stories like what happens to pooh when you eat too many chillies. Suddenly I wasn't so hungry...
As a DOP, I had cool DOP-ish powers, like telling people to shut up, and instilling fear in the hearts of the competitors. I did tell a lot of people to shut up, and was told to shut up in return. So much for instilling fear...
Nick told me that Fiona (that person that I mentioned earlier) doesn't want to be a chess teacher anymore. That's so sad because she's really nice.
Hey Anna, you stole my layout :P. Haha, just kidding, thanks for the comments by the way, I really appreciate it. It's nice to have people you know comment, but nicer still when people you don't (really) know say nice things about your blog :). It's good to see a fellow grammatically correct poster out here in this blog-eat-blog world, but we must stick together. And keep up the good blogs :).
"One dollar for eternal happiness. Mmmm... I'd be happier..."
Wayland, at 1:22 am, June 21, 2004
...with the dollar.
No problem, fellow Simpsons fan! :D
Fodder, at 12:43 pm, June 22, 2004
Hey anna! why dont you and wayland get together...? (joke joke...or is it???)
Unknown, at 3:03 pm, June 22, 2004
Was that just revenge for the William thing? It would have been so cool if that had worked out. Besides, Wayland is a med student, he's supposed to be dating bikini models!
Fodder, at 10:43 pm, June 23, 2004
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