Elise, Fiona, Tom and Tuesday
Well, since Tom said that he isn't going to post a comment, and Elise doesn't even know this is here, I'm going to record my plans on how I'm going to get the two of them together. (It'll probably serve no purpose other than to help prepare my future victims.)
I played chess against this person named Fiona, and I don't know why, but I told her about what I'm trying to do with Elise and Tom. After convincing her that I had good intentions (Ha! I don't know how that happened) she suggested something, though it wasn't far from what I was already trying to do. But she did bring up and important point. Maybe there is a reason why he's not calling her. She said that he might be too proud, but I'm not too sure about that one.
Oh, but I am making progress. I've established that they both like coffee.
Tom wrote:
"coffee is ok most days, except tuesday & friday. however, i generally drink coffee in the morning, or at latest lunch. if we go for coffee, you have to have a coffee too. and i don't care who comes, i just want to drink coffee (coffee is good)."
Elise wrote something a while ago about inviting someone for coffee and sex, so I'm going to logically conclude that she likes coffee.
And Tom also wrote:
"given that that is failure #7[my seventh failure at making a match], why not make challenge #8 something that might be achievable, say, painting your eldar, or getting me to talk to elise?"
So he thinks that getting him to talk to Elise is achievable!!!
But I think that I've hit a problem. In one of the last emails she sent me, Elise mentioned that she had a boyfriend, I think his name is Scott, though I might have pulled that name out of thin air. Whoops, thinking of someone else. James, maybe? Now I'm too scared to tell Tom in case it breaks his heart (which is my fault since I brought her up in conversation). He claims that his heart is unbreakable, yet he said that I broke it just because he wanted to prove me wrong (I know that makes no sense, but it's a long story. 74 minutes, in fact. I could fit it on to a CD {nonsensical rambling- it's been a long day, midnight shift rocks!}). But if I've kinda broken his heart already, it won't hurt to tell him that Elise might have a boyfriend. Don't want to jinx Elise, but maybe they broke up.
My last problem is timing. Tom said that he's free for coffee on Wednesday. But that's after Tuesday, which is when my 2-week interest in this expires. So hopefully I can convince him to call her today, so that they can be off and having coffee by tomorrow, and I will have succeeded by Tuesday.
Am I crazy, or am I crazy? (Wow, this is long)
Your crazy
Unknown, at 3:18 pm, June 13, 2004
oh dear anna
your not very good at this are you?
hmmm strange that you should ask if you are crazy or not.
i thought you already knew that
well i at least knew that before you posted this blog
at least you seem to enjoy being crazy
but don't forget that the most dangerous people are the completely sane ones
so don't worry if you feel insane
very few people aren't
the insaneness is what keeps us all going
keep on trying with your matchmaking
it might work one day
oh but stick to the straight matches i think
unless you really know that someone is gay
graham might not like you trying to set him up with all these guys and might have a midlife crisis or something
maybe not
who knows
seesya later
Anonymous, at 11:36 am, June 15, 2004
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Anonymous, at 12:16 pm, June 15, 2004
Graham won't, but he keeps reminding me of this one time that I just asked some random person if he was gay. He looked really confused, and Graham keeps telling me that he might have gone and committed suicide or something! I wonder... I haven't seen him around.
It's Tuesday now, so the Elise-Tom thing is officially over.
Fodder, at 12:17 pm, June 15, 2004
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