Idiot's Convention

Thursday, April 28

One Small Step for Anna, One Giant Leap Back Into Bed

Well, I think this week is my week of good deeds. Stange that someone who wants to take over the world is trying to do something good, but that's just how this week turned out.

Monday night, while doing my lab, I found out something really amazing. Amazing, but something that I can't do anything about, so I have to leave things how they are. It's a bit of a pain, but doable. OK, so in regards to that, my good deed is going to be to end it before anything does happen, because he doesn't seem to be able to do anything, and he mentioned that he was losing sleep over it, and that's not good at all.

Tuesday, realised that break-ups can hit people really hard when it's not mutual. So decided to cheer Sam up. He got the dreaded call asking that they meet to give each other their stuff back. So I just let him vent. He was looking a little better when he left to go to class.

Wednesday, Andrew wanted to finish his assignment, but he had promised a friend that he'd take him through an instance in WoW. So I helped take his friend through instead. Andrew did come along and help later, which sped things up a lot. I also got to duel Andrew, and lost both duels, as usual. Once I catch up to his level, I'm hoping things will be different.

Thursday, more Sam cheering up. He saw his ex on the way to anime today. So after anime, I felt that it was my job to cheer him up again. He started laughing, so that's a good sign. He also said that he's in a mopey mood, so maybe it'll just take time before he becomes his cheerful self again. I'm glad that I've finallly been able to do something to help Sam, since he helped me so much when I started panicking about programming last year.

I wonder what'll happen tomorrow.

Oh, and about the title, all of this stuff has made me feel almost like an adult, which is a really scary thing for me! In primary school, age didn't matter so much, as everyone was still a kid, but in high school, I was usually one of the youngest people there. So I felt it was my right to act like a little kid. This week kinda felt like a step into adulthood, and I realised that it's really scary! So I decided to do what a kid would - jump into bed and hide.

[EDIT] Saturday 30th of April 2:18AM Happy birthday Kameshul, in case I ever give you this URL! ~Cannonfodder

Well, my good deed for Friday was to share my Japanese text book with someone. Yep, I'm the most generous person in the world, aren't I? Well, Mr. Monday said that he wasn't losing sleep because he was worried, but because he was 'happy and excited'. So that just negated my good deed for Monday. But maybe instead of doing something good, something good happened to me.

Oh, I forgot to mention something important. Psychology sucks! I hate psychology lab reports.

[EDIT] Saturday 30th of April 5:23 PM Why is it so much easier to talk about things than to do them?

Friday, April 22

New Conspiracy Theory!

I just noticed that my phone has no reception. Neither does my mum, or Nick (who is also with Optus). My conclusion, it's the Telstra aliens invading Earth and blocking all Optus networks. Luckily, Optus isn't my ISP, so I'm able to record this. Dad's phone is fine, he's with Telstra. See what I mean?

Sunday, April 10

Stupid Casual

Who invented the term 'smart casual'? If they're still alive, then they won't be for long. If they're dead, then I'm going to do some grave digging. I was invited to Sharon's VCE tutor's 21st birthday party. He also happens to be called Mark, so all references to Mark in this post will be about him and not my 'Mark'.

Mark sees me on MSN and tells me that he's planning to have a birthday party. I say that I can come. Few days later, I get an email:

Hi everyone,

Sorry about the LATE notice but I've only just gotten confirmation from the venue today.

As planned, my belated 21st birthday party will be on

Saturday 9th April 7:30-11:30
@ INCK CAFE 401 Swanston St. Melbourne
RSVP: Please let me know that you got this email and
then RSVP as soon as you can. Cheers!

Dress Code: Nominally smart casual but if you'd prefer something slightly more formal eg. cocktail dress that's fine also.

Sharon tells me that I can't wear jeans, runners and a t-shirt. This is generally agreed to by everyone that I asked. So in true Anna fashion (oh my, what a horrible pun- why is it that people always bring attention to puns when they're not that funny?), I left it until the last minute. I went to my aunt to ask her if I could borrow some clothes. I didn't fit anything that she had, so she told me that there's 75% off stuff at Myer in Highpoint. So off we went. I never got around to writing about the trip to Chadstone with Jing and Jean, and the video that I took has disappeared.

Anyway, They spent the entire time telling me that I'm wasting my youth on wearing jeans and t-shirts. I should be out wearing things that will make me freeze to death and make me look like I just came out of a fairy floss factory, because I'd be so pink. Pink! *shudder* (It just occured to me that certain people that read this like pink, so I'll just say that it's a.... nice colour.....

I ended up getting a black shirt with sequins! I did find a shirt with robots on it though, so I'm happy.

Off to the party... and you know what I see?

Mark is wearing jeans, a t-shirt and runners!!!!!