Idiot's Convention

Tuesday, August 31

Another One Bites the Dust

Well, it happened again. It's so tragic! :'(

I just found out that Sam has a girlfriend. Sam, the guy from IntroProg who is supposed to be my gay best friend, has a girlfriend! So this is my second gay best friend that I've lost due to him getting a girlfriend, I really have to start finding some guys that are actually gay!

This is just a little break from all of the auctioning, but it'll be over soon, because I have someone new to auction! Won't be a moment, I just have to think up some questions to ask her and then you'll have another wonderful person to bid for!

Sunday, August 22

Mocktion™ Number Three

Name: Chris
D.O.B.: 20 December '84
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Brown

Height: 176cm
Likes: snowboarding, payback
Dislikes: drugs and slow cars
Position in the army of Anna the Supreme Ruler of the Universe: nemisis

A: What is the funniest thing that you've ever seen in a toilet?
C: my own reflection after too much jose guervo

A: Why is it that you want to take over the world? You're destroying
the dreams of an innocent, little 18 year old!
C: hey dont worry you can be my butler or something

A: Can I have the blueprints to your secret underground lair?
C: its only a cardboard box that has some breathing holes. but sure.

A: There is a cow in your bedroom, please explain... (*does a
horrible Pauline Hanson impersonation*)

C: thats just a big penguin.

A: I should be asking proper date-ish questions. So, what is your
idea of a perfect date?

C: gotta be romantic...summertime, nice restaurant, candles, roses,outaside under the know the usual stuff

A: Would you insist on paying for everything, splitting it 50-50 or
making him/her pay for everything?

C: guy paying everything, always.

A: You want to know why I had him/her? Well, you never know, a guy
ended up winning the bid for Ricky-san!

C: what are you talking about?

Same rules apply. The current highest bid is $100. Bid away!!!

Wednesday, August 18

Auctions are Fun! Part two

Part of being able to auction Tasha over MSN was the agreement that she could auction me too, and there has been a request to put up a page for other people to post their bids for me, and now Chris too (I'll get to his page in a moment, when finishes my interview). I had no idea that I would end up interviewing myself... what am I going to ask me???

Name: Anna Chang, that's Anna the Supreme Ruler of the Universe to all of you!
D.O.B.: 31/03/1986
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Black, dark brown, whatever.

Height: 160cm
Likes: Funny people, nerds, funny nerds, pancakes (yum!), sci fi, Daniel Jackson (when will he be coming back???)
Dislikes: Falling asleep in the uncomfortable Harold Woodruff theatre.
Position in the army of Anna the Supreme Ruler of the Universe: Supreme Ruler of the Universe

A: There is a monkey sitting on the floor.
A: And the question is...?

A: That wasn't a question, I was just commenting.
A: Oh, well, it's not real anyway.

A: Glad I got that sorted out... OK, now for the interview. If there were 5 people stuck in an elevator, and you were one of them, who else would you want with you?
A: Keanu Reeves. Who cares who else is in there, because he can save us all!

A: Close your eyes, what do you see?
A: I saw an old monkey pissing on me... I know that I CANA"T SEE THE KEYBOARD<>

A: Er..., OK, I'm going to let me open my eyes now. I don't think I got a propler answer to my quiestions, but I don't also don't want to try that again. OK... opening eyes now. Wow, that was bad. I really can't type. Moving on.... What is your favourite subject at the moment?
A: Well, Japanese is my best subject, since I'm horrible at the other two. But I kinda like circuits, because my lecturer has one of those voices that puts you to sleep, so I can catch up on some sleep during circuits lectures. Plus, my tutes always seem to finish 40 minutes early.

A: What are your plans for the future?
A: Once I take over the world, which isn't far away, start building those statues!!! I'm going to fix all those matches that didn't quite work out, starting with Ting and Ting!

A: Who do you think Ting Chen should take to Commerce Ball?
A: Ting Liu, but I think Comm Ball 2004 is over, so maybe next year?

A: Who would you like to win this auction?
A: Well, I used to be a fan of Bill Gates, and if this were real, then he'd win if he wanted. But I'd love to have Isaac Asimov win this. Not only would it be cool to go out with him, because he is a funny nerd, but it'd also mean that he somehow came back from the dead.

A: It's getting late, and you have a composition to finish, can I finish this later?
A: Sure. Ja mata.

Considering what's happening with infinity bids, there are new rules:

1. The most recent bid that's higher than the previous highest bid is the current highest bid.

2. If your bid cannot be expressed as a constant, then it doesn't count.

3. You cannot bid your life, or someone else's, only fake money.

REMINDER :If you're going to post anonymously, could you put your name at the end?

Sunday, August 1

Auctions are fun!

Sorry for doing two posts in the same day, but something that I wanted to post just came up, and it has nothing to do with stalkers, so I figured that I should put it into it's own post. The auction of Ricky-san is over, I got a max bid of $10 from Scott, and a min bid. (which was after the last bid was made) of 5c from Tom.

The newest person up for auction is Tasha, but I haven't interviewed her yet, so this is it now.

Name: Tasha Lam
Age: 19
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Black

Height: small
Likes: boys
Dislikes: skanks!
Position in the army of Anna the Supreme Ruler of the Universe: Loyal soldier of Chris' army

And, she has gone to sleep... so I might or might not get more later.

Stalking the Stalker

Anyone that has talked to me in the past few days will probably have heard about how I am now stalking Ricky-san. He's an eng/sci dude that was in my introprog and math lectures last semester, and is the person that I'm auctioning over MSN. ($10 is the highest bid so far, come on people!!!) I'm a good stalker, I found out his last name! And the fact that he's now in my maths lectures again is just a happy coincidence. ^_^

Anyway... It seems that all that false smiling at Safeway has earned me not a promotion, but a stalker. There's this weirdo dude that waits for me outside work, and then starts following me... Ummm, he offered to buy me stuff, but I told him not to. And given that I live across the road from where I work, I was kinda freaked out, and didn't want to walk home right away. He was also there when I walked to the pool with Anjelica, and started talking to us, even though he didn't really know us.

I'm glad though that he's going away for a while, so I don't have to worry about him for now. And I'm starting to think that I'm a bit paranoid...