Seems there are lots of guys out there looking for someone.
Name: Wayland Wang
D.O.B.: 09/02/1986
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Brown
Height: 187cm
Likes: " things. Simpsons, MSN...pretty much anything really"
Dislikes: "Um...dunno...lotsa stuff as comes to old printer..."
Position in the army of Anna the Supreme Ruler of the Universe: "A loyal servant who is actually a secret agent bringing the establishment down from the inside. make that a loyal general, commander of the robots"
A: If you had a fire truck, what would you call it?
W: Squirter
A: What do you think of pancakes?
W: deliciously flat
A: As a general, what tips can you give future officers of my army?
W: Join the dark side my friends! Usurp the tyrannical Anna!
A: Can you operate a machine gun while flying a helicopter?
W: I can parachute out of a helicopter...desert the cause and stuff you know...but I am a quick maybe
A: If Jean were in a flaming building, how would you save her?
W: Heroically burst in the door, get stuck inside and call on Superman to save us! Or I could use Squirter...but you know...this sounds better...
A: If you saw Jean sitting alone, how would you ask her to dance?
W: Why all the questions about Jean? And I don't know how to probably not...not out on the street anyway...or anywhere in public...but I would probably go over to talk to her.
A: Jean is the only person we have in common, I'm too lazy to make up hypothetical people.
W: LOL, fine.
A: Anyway... If you were a mage, what element would you specialise in (eg, fire or lightning)? Why?
W: Lightning, cos lightning's the best!
A: But you might accidentally fry your girlfriend! Anyway... Who is cuter, elton john or george bush?
W: george bush, cos he's so funnily stoopid
A: Are you gay?!
W: no i'm not
A: Well, it's an important question!
W: haha, true, but i'm perfectly straight
A: Oh, another important question! what kind of girl do you like?
W: any i'm not fussed at this stage
A: What happened to the bikini models?
W: oh yeah, them too, whoever and what's with the bikini models anyway?
A: It's the stereotype for doctors.
W: LOL really? well, if you get me hooked up with a bikini model i'd be very happy
A: OK, in movies, and CSI Miami, where everyone seems to walk around in bikinis. Females I mean! I'm an engineer, I don't know any!
W: well that's different, lol, I wasn't thinking that, but now that you mention it...
A: Oh, are YOU a closet bikini man?
W: ...maybe sometimes .look, it was only once ok!! Quit bugging me about it. And it wasn't a bikini, I had a skirt and something else dunno how to say it, um kinda a vest but girly nonetheless. lol it was for med camp, everyone did it!
And that's all folks. Interested?
Check out his blog, too[but he has retired for the moment :'( ]:
Just to clarify that, people, Anna asked me if I would like to be interviewed, I did not beg her for it :P. Well anyway thanks Anna!
Wayland, at 6:30 pm, June 24, 2004
Oh btw, my hair is black, I must have been...intoxicated...sorry
Wayland, at 6:44 pm, June 24, 2004
wow, that was one thrilling interview anna!
i thought i knew my brother but i guess not...bikini man eh...
JingleBells, at 6:50 pm, June 24, 2004
He begged. Got down on his knees and said, "Please, it's my only chance. For the future of my children, please do this." Then he gave me his puppy-dog look and how could I refuse?
Jingles, are you interested in him now? I know it's incest, but... it'd make a good thing to post in your blog!
Fodder, at 9:16 am, June 25, 2004
What have i done?!?!
I feel like Dr Frankenstein... and Wayland, i never, ever want to hear about you in a skirt/dress/bikini ever again.
Unknown, at 6:58 pm, June 25, 2004
sorry anna, not interested in incest!
but's a suggestion: u and wayland? i think yes! i mean, u're both single, u both want to take over the world, u both wear bikinis occasionally, it's a match made in heaven!
JingleBells, at 8:16 pm, June 28, 2004
Me + bikini = Queen Elizabeth + g-string + nothing else
Not that I'm an old lady, but you get the idea...
Fodder, at 12:01 am, July 01, 2004
Wayland has just let me believe that I was responsible for setting him up with his current girlfriend (yeah, that means that all you other chicks out there are too slow, he's taken now!). 10% success rate, whoopee!
Fodder, at 11:13 pm, August 09, 2004
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