Mocktion™ Number Three
Name: Chris
D.O.B.: 20 December '84
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Brown
Height: 176cm
Likes: snowboarding, payback
Dislikes: drugs and slow cars
Position in the army of Anna the Supreme Ruler of the Universe: nemisis
A: What is the funniest thing that you've ever seen in a toilet?
C: my own reflection after too much jose guervo
A: Why is it that you want to take over the world? You're destroying
the dreams of an innocent, little 18 year old!
C: hey dont worry you can be my butler or something
A: Can I have the blueprints to your secret underground lair?
C: its only a cardboard box that has some breathing holes. but sure.
A: There is a cow in your bedroom, please explain... (*does a
horrible Pauline Hanson impersonation*)
C: thats just a big penguin.
A: I should be asking proper date-ish questions. So, what is your
idea of a perfect date?
C: gotta be romantic...summertime, nice restaurant, candles, roses,outaside under the know the usual stuff
A: Would you insist on paying for everything, splitting it 50-50 or
making him/her pay for everything?
C: guy paying everything, always.
A: You want to know why I had him/her? Well, you never know, a guy
ended up winning the bid for Ricky-san!
C: what are you talking about?
Same rules apply. The current highest bid is $100. Bid away!!!
why is the mocktion a trademark? i don't get it
Anonymous, at 5:30 pm, August 22, 2004
Mocktion is something that Wayland came up with, and I liked it so I started using it. I don't know if it actually existed before, but as far as I know, Wayland came up with it. For some weird reason, MSN Messenger wouldn't let me use the copyright symbol, but registered and trademark were both usable. Wayland chose the trademark one.
Fodder, at 9:29 pm, August 22, 2004
one bid for $150- from Ai-Lin. she wants to "play"
Anonymous, at 11:21 pm, August 25, 2004
hey when do I get to be mocktioned anna? didn't you know i'm actually AVAILABLE now? anyhow...onto the business side of things:
i'll bid $150 for the lovely green-eyed chris (who i'd never heard of before today but what does that matter...)
hey so chris is a pay all kind of guy? well if i win could he say...start off by paying for my med ball ticket? pretty please :) ?
JingleBells, at 9:46 pm, August 28, 2004
LADIEZ! this is the ORIGINAL ad for this studly-stud....
we have an absolutely *delicious* guy here.......he's 20(older man! for all the ladies who like them just a little bit MORE mature!).....he's sweet, good for a laugh, he snow boards....(hello!!)....he has nice eyes.........oh my goodness! nice arms! ....and while i'm at it, i'm sure he likes nice long walks along the beach watching the sunset!
..........for the ladies who are that wee-bit more interested....he's good with his i've been told... highest bid has only been $150- for this spunky stud! so! step rite up ladies! he's well worth it!
Anonymous, at 12:44 am, August 30, 2004
how can two ppl bid for the same amount of money? jinglebells, someone already beat you to the $150 bid. so u gotta fork out more if you really want him!
Anonymous, at 10:18 pm, September 02, 2004
i bid for chris $999,999,999.00au dollars.
Anonymous, at 6:20 pm, September 04, 2004
woah, nice one angelica, but im worth every cent ;p
Huckle Baal
Anonymous, at 3:55 pm, September 12, 2004
I've just been informed that bidding ends on the 30th of September.
Fodder, at 11:52 am, September 18, 2004
wowwee! points to angelica! is there anything about age limits tho? well, either way, angelica had the highest bid by far, so she "won" chris.
(anna, u can tell angelica, i'll lend her chris, he's free for the first three days, but then i'll start charging after that!hehee)
Anonymous, at 1:13 am, October 08, 2004
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