Idiot's Convention

Sunday, August 1

Stalking the Stalker

Anyone that has talked to me in the past few days will probably have heard about how I am now stalking Ricky-san. He's an eng/sci dude that was in my introprog and math lectures last semester, and is the person that I'm auctioning over MSN. ($10 is the highest bid so far, come on people!!!) I'm a good stalker, I found out his last name! And the fact that he's now in my maths lectures again is just a happy coincidence. ^_^

Anyway... It seems that all that false smiling at Safeway has earned me not a promotion, but a stalker. There's this weirdo dude that waits for me outside work, and then starts following me... Ummm, he offered to buy me stuff, but I told him not to. And given that I live across the road from where I work, I was kinda freaked out, and didn't want to walk home right away. He was also there when I walked to the pool with Anjelica, and started talking to us, even though he didn't really know us.

I'm glad though that he's going away for a while, so I don't have to worry about him for now. And I'm starting to think that I'm a bit paranoid...


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