Auctions are fun!
Sorry for doing two posts in the same day, but something that I wanted to post just came up, and it has nothing to do with stalkers, so I figured that I should put it into it's own post. The auction of Ricky-san is over, I got a max bid of $10 from Scott, and a min bid. (which was after the last bid was made) of 5c from Tom.
The newest person up for auction is Tasha, but I haven't interviewed her yet, so this is it now.
Name: Tasha Lam
Age: 19
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Black
Height: small
Likes: boys
Dislikes: skanks!
Position in the army of Anna the Supreme Ruler of the Universe: Loyal soldier of Chris' army
And, she has gone to sleep... so I might or might not get more later.
I bid: $10.10
Bidder: Johnny Duong
Anonymous, at 9:39 pm, August 03, 2004
I'll bid $11.00
Anonymous, at 4:00 pm, August 07, 2004
. u guys are pathetic. $20 for the sexy lady
Anonymous, at 5:41 pm, August 07, 2004
alright i'm gonna fork out .. $30
thats my bid
Anonymous, at 8:46 pm, August 08, 2004
I'll bid..err..$35.05
Anonymous, at 10:11 pm, August 09, 2004
Wow, this is going much better than my last auction! Anyway, just wanted to say that if you're going to bid, then could you put your name at the end please?
Fodder, at 10:56 pm, August 09, 2004
Bid: $50.00
Anonymous, at 11:36 pm, August 09, 2004
Bid: $14500.00 .. bubbye money!!
JD -
Anonymous, at 8:40 pm, August 15, 2004
Cos you're a very "special' girl, and we love you for your "special" pucker up guys, bidding now is from $ 200, 000
luv from Janey!
Anonymous, at 1:36 pm, August 17, 2004
i'll bid 1,900,000.00 and one Dollar on Further bids...
this purchase is worth it...
- the Owner of unique Items -
Anonymous, at 7:27 pm, August 17, 2004
Bid: $1.7 million
aiiiyah bubbye money .. hope this is all worth it in the end ... ^^
Anonymous, at 7:27 pm, August 17, 2004
(already beaten)
Anonymous, at 7:31 pm, August 17, 2004
I'm going to be rich, rich I tell you! Ah, if only this were a real auction...
Fodder, at 7:31 pm, August 17, 2004
$22 million
My wages for the next ... 2 years.
Anonymous, at 7:33 pm, August 17, 2004
$22 million + 1 Dollar
Anonymous, at 7:36 pm, August 17, 2004
The person who said .. one dollar on future bids ..
well i bid double wateva u bid .. plus one dollar
which makes my next bid ...
that "person"'s bid: $22,000,001
my bid: 2 x (22,000,001) + 1 = $44,000,003
Anonymous, at 7:41 pm, August 17, 2004
Whoa, this is going to go on to infinity. Only bids that are posted count. So no proxy bids, though that isn't really possible. Also, I'm putting a time limit on this now. Bidding officially closes on the 24th of August at 12 midnight.
Fodder, at 7:43 pm, August 17, 2004
but it's still +1 on that, so you've looped it... so my bid would be
making your bid
Making my bid
Making your bid
Making my bid
Making your bid
making my bid
and so on
Anonymous, at 7:47 pm, August 17, 2004
Bid: ((Infinity + Infinity)^Infinity) + 1 = Infinity
And NO! Infinity + 1 is just a load of BS ...
Nothing can beat Infinity ...
Anonymous, at 7:57 pm, August 17, 2004
Hmmm, dont think i have infinity dollars on me RIGHT NOW...maybe if i sell my i guess i just have to let you have her for now...
Huckle Baal
Anonymous, at 10:13 am, August 18, 2004
yay my Bid of $352,000,046.00 is still valid...
Anonymous, at 12:23 pm, August 18, 2004
ok, so how much am i exactly going for now? and of course i'm worth it! otherwise anna wouldn't be auctioning me off then huh? glad to see the rest of you already figured that out tho!
Anonymous, at 8:36 pm, August 18, 2004
LOLz! interesting maths u ppl have here
altho it's tru that infinity is the highest number u can go up to, there r varying degrees of infinity. e.g., 1/0 is infinity and so is 2/0, but the second is clearly larger than the first (yes, there are twice as many zeros in 2 than there are in 1 :P). so in fact even tho infinity + 1 = infinity, it's a larger version of the original infinity (or Infinity Plus as i like to call it :D).
there's no point to this post. i'm not bidding...just randomly commenting
Anonymous, at 9:14 pm, August 18, 2004
Whoa! Some people really like Tash! Again, can I remind you to put your name at the end of the post if you're going to post anonymously.
Fodder, at 11:37 pm, August 18, 2004
Bid: $704,000,093.00
Anonymous, at 12:16 am, August 19, 2004
to the Infinity Plus person: all infinities have the same meaning, you can prove it using limits.
Anonymous, at 11:56 pm, August 21, 2004
perhaps...but then so do other generic terms like "asian", "car" and so on. so even tho u r referring to the general things u can divide them into subcategories. so altho mathematically speaking all "infinities" have the same meaning but if u think about it...does it really make that much sense? does it really matter? humour me and make an old man (not really) happy :)
Mr. I. P. (not freely...)
P.S. can u tell i have no idea what i'm talking about? thank heavens i didn't do maths in brain can't cope :(
Anonymous, at 8:27 pm, August 23, 2004
Whoops, I haven't been monitoring this very closely, but bidding is closed now! I guess that means that Johnny Duong won with a bid of $704,000,093. Congrats!
Fodder, at 8:06 am, August 27, 2004
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