New Conspiracy Theory!
I just noticed that my phone has no reception. Neither does my mum, or Nick (who is also with Optus). My conclusion, it's the Telstra aliens invading Earth and blocking all Optus networks. Luckily, Optus isn't my ISP, so I'm able to record this. Dad's phone is fine, he's with Telstra. See what I mean?
i love optus! optus rox my sox :S
Actually it does let my parents call me for free :S
I always have reception :S
I always have credit :S
555 always works for me :S
(this whole post may well be true and irrevokable fact :S)
Unknown, at 5:16 pm, April 22, 2005
hey i'm with optus too! man that is so cool eh?
coincidence? i think NOT.
er do i actually have anything real to say in this comment...hmm...lalala...nope not really...
i can play hallelujah on guitar now! well...the intro anyway...but that IS the most exciting part! now all i need to get is a capo and a wig and lots of foundation to lighten my skin and voila i'll be the next jeff buckley!
JingleBells, at 6:04 pm, April 22, 2005
Optus is eeeeeevil. Optus is the creator of 'FreeTime' which equals Anna getting a billion calls from Anjelica, who is in the same house as her, just for requests to get orange juice, find her book, bring her my iPod, etc.
Since Shrek, Hallelujah has become one of my favourite songs, though I haven't heard the Jeff Buckley version yet.
Yes! The world is conspiring against me!
Fodder, at 5:15 am, April 25, 2005
uh... my phone almost never have signal no matter who i am with... i guess that;s my phone conspiring against me then .... either that or it knows that i dont feel like goin 2 safeway 2 work so it purposely make calls drop out so i dont have 2 be killed by salem
Anonymous, at 9:10 pm, April 25, 2005
I wish my phone did that whenever Salem called.
Fodder, at 1:40 am, April 27, 2005
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