Idiot's Convention

Tuesday, July 20

Supreme Ruler of the Universe at Your Service!

Today was the big match. Graham came down from Broadford to challenge me and Tom in a game of Warhammer 40K. We started with a three player free-for-all, with me in the middle defending two towers.
Short note- Warhammer 40K is a war gaming game that is set in the future and there are a whole bunch of futuristic races with cool weapons. So basically, in the game you have an army of a particular points vaule (agreed on by all the participants), with certain models worth different points and having different abilities. Stick them all on a table with scenery and fight.
Back to the game. I was playing with Eldar, kinda like futuristic elves. Tom was playing Dark Eldar, evil elves. Graham was playing with Necrons (the worst thing about them is that once they die, there's a 50% chance that they can repair themselves and get back up again). We had a roaming band of Orcs, but they spent most of the game trying to run off the table edge...
Most of my dudes got ripped up, and my rangers, which are the best shooters in my army, had trouble hitting anything, so I didn't do too well, but it's all training for that one day when I take on the world leaders!
Anyway, I'm just writing about this because I'm waiting until midnight so I can change my timetable. Yeah, I'm crazy, but you already knew that.

Tuesday, July 13

Farmer Anna on the Rampage!!!

Last week I finally managed to track down a copy of the game Harvest Moon, though I didn't have a Gamecube at that time so I had to pick up one of those as well. There goes my video camera...

Anyway, it's Autumn/Fall on Cow Farm (yep, original name, aren't I creative?). I have four female chickens, one male chicken, a horse, a female cow, a male cow and a sheep. Plus a pet dog, and an apple tree. Given that I sold all of my crops, Isaac (the main character), is dying of starvation and all of the girls that I've tried to get marry him are saying, "No". *sigh* I'm still hopeless at matchmaking in a game...

The male chicken seems to have no problem getting laid (hahaha, yeah, it's a bad joke), but the female cow isn't doing anything interesting, and I'm not paying another 4000G for another one!

I've also managed to kill an apple tree, destroy plants before they were meant to be picked, and pissed off a vagrant. Oh well, it seems like I won't be allowed near any farms anytime soon.

Sunday, July 4

Supermarket Requirements

Have you ever noticed how the females that speak over the PA in supermarkets always have nasal voices? Some of the people that I work with have the nicest voices, yet once they start speaking over the PA, it sounds so nasal. I don't get it. It's like some unwritten supermarket rule: Thou shall not use thy normal voice over the PA. It makes no sense, but I've been told that I do the same thing. My cousin didn't even recognise my voice, or so my sister says.

Oh, and another stupid requirement. Why are we supposed to wear dangly things like scarves and ties? They get in the way! I don't know what they're supposed to do, probably make us look like we're all part of the same team, but at Safeway we have a choice between green and red ties/scarves, and there's also a black tie available. So how does that make us look like we're part of the same team?!