Thoughts of A Cookie Jar
Title inspired by Jean's wonderful blog:
OK, so the other reason for the title. I'm one of those people who does things on impulse. I decided that I wanted to have a cookie jar filled with lots and lots of cookies, because that's why it's a cookie jar after all. So I went to Kmart and bought the biggest cookie jar that I could find, which turned out to be a 3L one (I imagined having lots of cookies). So I bring home this nice big cookie jar, and after dinner, I start baking. Since it has been a while since I last made cookies, I decided to do a test run first, so that I didn't end up with a hundred cookies that weren't very nice. Well, first batch was done, and before they even had time to cool, half of them were gone! I'm not sure if they were gone because they were eaten, or if they were gone because someone threw them out by accident. :/
I suddenly felt the urge to play Freecell, so I left that jar empty and decided to try again when I had more time. Unbeknownst to me, my mum decided that the jar was too big, and that the little jar that we used to use for peanuts would do instead. She returned the jar to Kmart, and didn't even bother to tell me! I had no idea, so when Anjelica, Amanda and I were in the supermarket (I was looking for a box of cereal that might contain a lightsabre spoon!) and I decided to restart my cookie making plan. I tell Anjelica and she tells me that mum returned my jar. I was rather attached to that jar!
I don't know why mum didn't tell me, so I got another idea. Anjelica was supposed to distract mum while I baked a hundred cookies. Then, she'd be greeted by lots of cookies on the counter, and me innocently asking where my cookie har is. Didn't quite work as planned. Mum came home early and the first lot were still in the oven.
So now I have lots of cookies, but still no jar. :(
Yay!!! I am special! I've never been inspiration before...
And when you finish with all the cookies you have to bring them to blood donoring next week so we can pig out and give high glucose staturated blood ok?
Unknown, at 4:36 pm, May 11, 2005
Blood donoring? Haha, isn't it blood donation?
Anyway, what kind of cookies were these exactly? I've never needed much of a storage implement for baked goods before. The reason for this is twofold. First, I hardly bake stuff and when I do there's not a lot of it anyway. Second, the stuff I make tends to be eaten before then need proper storage anyway.
The reason I said twofold? It seems to be the "in" word with anatomists. They're always "twofold this", "twofold that". So in the hopes of heightening my anatomical knowledge I will from now try to incorporate the word "twofold" into my daily living.
Wayland, at 10:01 pm, May 11, 2005
Hm anyone else think Wayland's a bit...too..."anatomied"? Anyway, twofold is a good word...
If you don't mind me asking Anna, how much was that cookie jar? And oh, did you wash it before you intended to use it and before your mum returned it? I mean, it's from Kmart...not very safe at all.
Anyway best of luck with storing/eating those cookies! Buon appetito!
JingleBells, at 11:21 pm, May 11, 2005
Hahaha! Locutus, you've given me something to think about, other than, Star Wars is coming out in 2 days! Excited, excited! I can't stop being so hyper! And no, it's not because of the sugar rush. ^_^
Twofold seems to be psychologists' favourite term, too. There's always twofold studies being done.
Ummm, I didn't think you'd want stale cookies, so they've all been eaten! Though Anjelica is bugging me to make more. I was going to wash the jar after the cookies had cooled. Never got the chance. T.T
All the boxes of Rice Bubbles that might have lightsabre spoons in them have been opened! Mean, mean people.
Oh well, Star Wars is coming out in two days!
What does it mean when mum returns it? Hahaha!!!!
Fodder, at 1:25 am, May 17, 2005
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