Looking for Mark, Revised
Some of you may have heard already, but I recently went looking for Mark. My chess teacher somehow convinced me that I should ask him out, but I had no way of contacting him. So we (my chess teacher and I) trawled the net for some sign of him, ie. an email address. After a long and unsuccessful search through the uni email, Nick suggested that I try looking at the list of members of certain clubs. I think that if Nick were here, I would have hugged him. Thankfully, he wasn't, so there was no hugging.
I came across this post where he started talking about his girlfriend. I was in shock, as he'd never mentioned anyone before, though there was someone that he seemed pretty close to. Oddly, her name was Anna.
So I didn't bother reading the rest of it and just left it at that. Nick was very good at cheering me up, he should be my new oniichan (my old niichan wants to be called niisan now).
After a while though, I realised that even if nothing was going to happen between us, he'd still make a great friend. So I went back and got his email address, started talking to him, and found out that that whole thing with Anna was just a joke. *happy!*
It was a bit awkward to begin with, as he didn't seem to remember me, T.T, but after a while, it got much easier and we just kept talking. You know how time seems to fly when you're having fun? Well, the next thing I knew, Dad was awake and trying to get me to go to sleep, and I noticed that it was nearly 5AM! And I wasn't even playing WoW.
Jing, before you get out the dress that you want me to wear, I'd like to point out that nothing has happened, so I'm not in love. Though that might change ^_^
Aww yay!! I'm so happy for you Anna :).
Good on you for going out there and finding your Mark and then for having the guts to chat to him (when that may very well have appeared stalkerish...not that I'm saying you're a stalker!).
Anyway I think i'll have to get in touch with Jean soon to discuss the colour of your dress and heels :P.
JingleBells, at 2:32 pm, March 30, 2005
Looks like Anna's about to lose another bet :-P
Let's go back to the topic of antisocial for a sec, what do you call digging people up and chatting to them... very unantisocial to me!
Oh and happy birthday Anna, OMG it's been a year already... doesn't time fly?
Anonymous, at 12:23 am, March 31, 2005
anna and marcus sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!
who is this mark anyway? how come I havent heard of him before, hmm?
Unknown, at 8:56 am, March 31, 2005
JingleBells, at 12:33 pm, March 31, 2005
I came here through a link
I went through your blog ,it's interesting, thought I could be
your friend
Hey happy birthday Anna!!!
who's this Mark anyways?????
Hafis, at 8:06 pm, March 31, 2005
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