High School Rant
I think my one greatest problem in high school was not VCE exams, or SACs. Not keeping up with homework while trying to fit in quality TV time (since I never actually did any homework, that wasn't a problem ^_^). It was trying to tell someone that I wasn't interested in what they were saying. I'm sure that she can be absolutely fascinating, but there were times when I just couldn't stand being around her simply because I knew that she would talk and talk and talk, and I just didn't know how to escape without hurting her feelings. To be honest, I just didn't care about the things she was talking about. Yep, you're thinking, this is from someone who has a blog- but at least in my case you can close the window, never return, and I'll never know.
I first noticed it on a camp. She started talking about how much toilet paper she uses and I was trying to get to sleep. I tried paying attention for a while, hoping that she'd get tired or stop talking (how much can you say about toilet paper, honestly?) but she didn't. I'm not sure if she stopped after I fell asleep, but this was only the beginning. Some of the other people decided to start having nightly card games, but I figured that if I stayed and played with them, and her, then I'd never get any sleep as she'd just talk through the night- going over everything that had just happened, which she did the following morning anyway. She seems to do this with everything. We'll go and see a movie and she'll give a complete summary of the movie that we'd just watched. No jokes, observations, arguments, or mistakes, just a straight plot summary. For some reason, she seems completely oblivious to the fact that we were there, watching that exact same movie. Yes, we noticed that the main character is played by Julia Roberts, it even says so on the poster- is that a coincidence? Yes, we noticed that the man in the black hood was the murderer- it was only mentioned a few hundred times and was the key event that started the whole sequence of events on the rest of the movie.
*sigh* I know that I'm being very cruel, as she isn't here to defend herself, but I just wish that I knew how to deal with someone like this. I tried not speaking to her, thinking that if she didn't get a response, then she'd go and talk to someone else. But that made things worse as it let her talk more. I tried hanging around other people, but that only worked a bit, as she could still talk to me regardless of who I was with. I don't know... maybe I wish she had a window I could just close, or maybe a mute button.
It is truly regrettable that a person will treat a man who is valuable to him well, and a man who is worthless to him poorly.
-Hojo Shigetoki
Then comes the other thing I was wondering about. I know that with the person I was just talking about, that I'm guilty of doing the same thing, but this is happening with two of my friends and me. I've noticed that one of my friends is really horrible to another one. Not to his face, but behind his back. I feel bad because this guy is going through a bad time at the moment, and it would be great if his friends could support him, but the way that she treats him is at some times really mean. With the girl that I mentioned, she was my friend and I treated her like she was my friend. And she has gotten better, we've managed to find some common ground. But with these two, I don't know if I should say something. And it makes me wonder what would happen if she ever decided that I was 'worthless' to her. Anyway, I just needed somewhere to rant.
Friends are difficult sometimes arent they? I guess you cant exactly say- shut your cake hole please. Maybe if she reads your blog she will understand, recognise herself and attmept to change. Besides, blogs are a good way to vent because unlike a journal you know you'll have an audience so it make you feel like you've been heard.
As for the other two, maybe she is being nasty but you can only control yourself and you seem to be being nice to him so he has at least one great friend.
And you are one of the best friends anyone can have.
Having said that, please tell if if i'm ever that annoying in any aspect, ok?
Unknown, at 8:00 pm, February 25, 2005
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