Random Day-Before-Exam Listmaking
Why is it that we get inspiration at the worst possible times. Actually, I'm just killing time until Koji-san comes online and I can borrow his brain for a bit. The 2004 digital systems exam is annoying me. So I'm going to do what Jean suggested and make a new list, so that in a few years I can look at it and laugh.
My New List:
10. Knows who Daniel Jackson is- though if he knows me, it's going to be a bit hard that he hasn't at least heard of Daniel Jackson. ^_^
9. Doesn't mind if I disappear for a week or so because of a new obsession- think WoW.
8. Likes to argue
7. Has at least one allergy - it's just one of my 'things'.
6. Likes cartoons/anime
5. Isn't tennis mad- Tennis stole Daniel Jackson :'(
4. Has some strange quirk - I like odd things.
3. Doesn't ask, "How are you?"- I have actually met people that don't like being asked how they are. Well, he has to at least be able to accept that I don't want him to ask me how I am.
2. Does NOT want to see me in a dress - I think all the recent betting and my cousin's wedding has pushed this one to #2. Otherwise it'd be somewhere low down, or not on this list at all.
1. Has a good sense of humour- I think this one will always be #1.
I haven't mentioned Mark in a while. I haven't seen him for ages, but I'm guessing that once uni starts, I'll be seeing him quite a bit more. Nearly everyday. Oh, I think I'm hyperventilating.
On a nice and pleasant note, I kinda got offered another job. Nick, my chess teacher, offered to let me teach one of his classes. This is infinitely better than working at Safeway, and I'd love to take it, but I have to see if my timetable lets me. I'm nervous about doing it though because Nick is so good at chess, I'm nowhere near as good as he is, and I don't think I ever will be. So what if the school feels a bit ripped off that instead of getting Nick, they're getting me? And what if the kids throw tomatoes?
Yes, it is sad we spent Valentines Day making these lists. Still yours definitely suits you. Uni starts on monday... grrr
oh and good luck with the chess job. i'm sure you're great. In fact i challenge you to a game. Only coz i havent played for ages and coz chess is cool.
PS. I've finally figured out who daniel jackson is. He's the dude off stargate!
Unknown, at 2:54 pm, February 24, 2005
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