Sad :(
I broke one of my resolutions! *cries*
At notice printing you have 3 items overdue.
I borrowed some manga for my sister, and now I have 3 overdue books.
Also, in the past week, Graham has messaged me twice to tell me that Daniel has died again.
And I seem to have lost the ability to make a paragraph that's longer than one line.
And sadness that I haven't seen Mark in a long time.
Oh, and I have to go to a wedding on the weekend.
I also found out some very surprising news. Good surprising, not bad surprising.
I should really write something more cohesive.
But between writing my lab report and playing WoW, I've had almost no sleep. Surprisingly, I don't think I've touched my PS2 in ages. Wow, incredible, I didn't even realise.
Oh, weird thing. I saw my digital systems lecturer on Satuday. Was so weird seeing him outside of a classroom, becaus he's normally dressed formally. Except one time, it was really hot, and he was wearing shorts. It just felt so awkard. His family was also there, and I didn't really know what to say. They were all looking at me oddly, so I told him that I had to catch the bus (which was true, I had a feeling that Nibo was going to kill me :/), and I left.
This week has just been too weird, I can't wait for the holidays to start!
Hey you can add to your list of weird things this week...seeing me high on sugar on Thursday ;).
Anyway life is terribly weird sometimes - really mean and unpredictable but then I guess that's the fun of it all. That you've always got something NEW to look forward to.
So...well...I agree with "Lucky" - let's do something in the holidays. I feel like meeting some random new people. And as you said last night, building up some good Wayland-less memories.
Anyway, this is a bit irrelevant and er...some people might find this disturbing but I recognised lucky as one of the people who was kinda involved in that auction on me ages went and had a look at his blog.
It's really different! Reads like a poem. And it's so regular - it's like an actual diary. I'm not terribly sure if I was supposed to read it now seemed quite personal and stuff (emotionally speaking anyway). But anyway! I'd have commented on his blog but it doesn't look like that's a normal thing to do...
JingleBells, at 10:27 am, March 26, 2005
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