Do I Know You?
I've been thinking about that Six Degrees of Separation thing, and I've noticed that I have a lot of 'circular friendships'- friends that are friends of friends sort of thing. I realised that the only new person that I met (someone that wasn't already friends with one of my other friends) was Sam, my ex-gay best friend. Considering how many new friends I made last year, that's really strange. So I've decided to make a new friend who is not already friends with a current friend. This is actually quite hard, since I'm inherently anti-social, but I'm going to try anyway.
My first attemt was on Tuesday. I decided to try the person sitting next to my in my philosophy tute. His name is David Edquist and he's staying at Ormond. For some reason, something clicked in my head, and I realised that the name sounded familiar. It turns out that he's also a member of II and we've actually met before! So that was a bust since he's friends with Tom, so he doesn't count as a new friend.
My next attempt was today, on my way home. I saw this guy walking by himself and I looked at him and said, "Hey! Do I know you?" which I figured was a good way to get the attention of a stranger. He stopped and looked confused. Against all of the messages in my body telling me to run, run like the wind on a windy day, I asked him what course he was doing. He's a science student. So to go with the whole recognising him, I asked if he did maths. I found out that he's a botany student. At that point, I got the feeling that he was going to open up and tell me his life story. At that point, the only thing going through my head was, "I want to go home." So we exchanged names, I said I might see him sometime, and I left. A quick search on the Email directory for Tims doing botany returned 20 reults. For some reason, I get the feeling that I'm never seeing him again.
But two half failures hasn't deterred me. I'm still going to try and find a friend that isn't already connected to my current friends. I just don't think talking to random people walking around is going to help. I'd try my psychology lecture, but I'm too busy staying awake to make conversation.
Philosophy is awesome! There are only about 80 of us (which is supposedly quite a lot for this subject, seems to be really unpopular). Out of that, maybe two thirds show up to lectures. Greg Restall, the lecturer is really funny. He has this odd thing about the moon being made of green cheese, which seems to have passed on to the tutors as well. Because of the style of the subject, we have arguments all the time, and I'm loving it! Not arguments to the scale of 'Is there a God?' or 'Why are we here?', but just about whether statements like '2 + the Pacific Ocean = Beethoven' and 'The present King of France is bald' (France doesn't currently have a king) are propositions or not. The other great thing about it is that it's very simliar to digital systems which I just passed (Yay me!), so it wasn't hard to get my head around thinking a certain way.
Anyway, I should be researching Ainu (indiginous Japanese people) at the moment, so I should stop wasting time. Hope everyone had a good first week!
The reason why I want to do this is because I've never actually picked someone and decided that I wanted to be friends with them. I've always met new people through other people, or had someone come up to me and talk to me. Since I now have some really great friends, I want to return the favour, and I've noticed that there are a lot of people sitting around uni by themselves.
If you want to start this idea, Saman, why not disguise yourself as a girl and start chatting up guys? :P You're supposed to be my new gay best friend after all.
Fodder, at 1:03 am, March 16, 2005
hahaha! i can definitely imagine you walking up to random guys trying to make friends. hehe! Hey your still in wonderful world of anime right? do you know a girl called pei or one called jane (that one is really short) they are dentals. There you go, two more FOFs (friends of friends). As for you being antisocial! you are more certainly not!
Unknown, at 11:27 am, March 19, 2005
Hahahaha, you hit a chord there Jean, Anna is definitely not antisocial! Not that she'll admit it. (argh, so many negatives in that sentence)
Anonymous, at 11:29 pm, March 21, 2005
I am too antisocial! Why doesn't anyone believe me? Look at how that thing with Tim from botany went. My first impulse was to run away, and my next though was a desire to go home. Plus, Tim from botany was my latest attempt. I haven't tried again since him. Why? Because I am anti-social!
Fodder, at 11:43 pm, March 21, 2005
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