It's the End
Wow, took me a while to post about Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. I'm still undecided about it. It's not an absolute flop, but I think it's still not as good as any of the movies from the original trilogy. It is darker, and definitely not suited for little kiddies. I don't know how to describe it without spoiling it, so I'll leave it at that. I have to say though, going to see it at midnight was great fun! There were so many people in costume (I wasn't one of them, unfortunately), and the night was just filled with Star Wars quotes. Anytime someone got an opportunity to quote a line, they did.
It's also the end of my Freecell obsession. I've found a new game, sudoku. It's a Japanese game, that's kinda like a crossword for numbers. You have a 9x9 grid, and your goals is to fill each of the rows, columns, and blocks (which are 9 sets of 3x3 grids), with each of numbers from one to nine, without repeating any or leaving any out. Sounds easy? Well, there numbers that have already been filled in for you that you're not allowed to change, so you have to work around them. This keeps it so that there's only one solution for each puzzle. It was in today's Herald Sun (finally, that paper is good for something!).
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Star Wars is sooo awesome. I mean while the originals are CLASSICS and endlessly watchable, the new ones are very much technically improved.
I definitely agree with you that this one was quite dark, as was the second one if you ask me, due to the sense of impending doom I guess. And lack of comic relief. Especially compared to the old ones which were quite lighthearted, what with Han Solo in them *sigh* Han...
But I reckon although you can say oh the new eps are so corny and so lame blah blah, they're so wonderfully quotable for their lameness! "I hate sand! It's ROUGH. Unlike...your skin..." Great pick-up line that one, must try one day.
By JingleBells, at 11:56 pm, May 20, 2005
Fortunately the beast that is Revenge of the Sith hasn't taken a bite at me yet, but SuDoku on the other hand, that's a different story. Try this one, it'll make the brain baby kick.
By Cernunnos, at 11:34 pm, May 26, 2005
Wow, thanks. Something to do when the trial time of the Sudoku game ends. :D
Thank you so, so much!
By Fodder, at 9:20 am, May 27, 2005
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