My Gambling Problem
Before you all go and stage an intervention, I'd just like to point out that my gambling problem isn't that I'm addicted. My problem is that I never win- I'm sure that I can stop at anytime. As those who knew me during high school know, I love to make bets. I don't bet for money, since doing that makes people take it too seriously and it's just no fun that way, so I bet actions/promises instead. My current bets:
Bet with Sharon- Sharon getting married before she graduates (it was extended)
If I win: She has to play Starcraft with Amanda
If she wins: I have to wear a dress to the next anime marathon. (She'll probably graduate before me so I'll still be a member of wwwa [Weekly Watchers of Wonderful Anime] as long as it's still there.)
Bet with Jing- Me getting falling in love by the end of this year
If I win: Jing has to dress like a goth for one day (this day has to be a day that she has at least one class)
If she wins: I have to wear a dress and high heels (what is with people wanting to see me in a dress?!)
Bet with Jean- Jean getting a boyfriend by the end of this year
If I win: Jean has to cook me something Italian
If she wins: I have to go without games of any kind for 5 days
I figure that with Jing's bet, there is no way that I can lose. So maybe my problem will be resolved by the end of this year, and we can all see Jing as a goth in 2006. ^_^
Oh, and if you haven't heard about it yet, the Ting/Ting bet! I made a bet with Ting (girl) that I could get Ting (guy) to ask her out to Commerce Ball 2004. If I won, then she'd have to say yes and go with him- not that she'd refuse anyway. If I lost, then I'd have to tell a lecturer that I loved him, wear a minskirt and perform She Bangs William Hung style. Neither Ting ended up going to Comm Ball anyway. Thankfully, Ting (guy) let me out of the bet- since if he found out about the bet, it would be called off. It was pretty close though. I should have learnt my lesson from that, but I didn't and I think I'm going to keep betting until I win one. Is that an addiction?
I really shouldn't have let you out of the bet... see now you have a gambling problem! Or at least a betting one.
So, maybe, maybe, if you wear a miniskirt to uni one day you might actually get over your gambling problem? Or maybe I'm just being an optimist. ;-)
Anonymous, at 12:46 am, January 29, 2005
HAHAHAHAHA and you dont know why we want to see you in a dress?
Unknown, at 10:09 am, January 30, 2005
I have no clue why any sane person would want to see me in a dress, much less a miniskirt! I'm glad x infinty that I didn't lose that bet with Ting (girl). I'm hoping that by the time Sharon graduates, everyone will have forgotten about wanting to see me in a dress, so that if I lose, nobody will go out of there way to see me. And given that it's highly unlikely that I'll lose to Jing, that's all the dress wearing out of the way.
Saman, the last post I wrote was entirely about you! Oh, and I have no idea where the dress wearing would take play if I did lose... maybe at home? Guess it depends on what Jing thinks.
Fodder, at 12:33 pm, January 31, 2005
Now now - stop writing off my chances Anna! I still quite like my odds in our little bet...yes yes...must have confidence...
Anyway, where you would wear your lovely dress and high heels...some place where you'd be able to be seen by all of us naturally. I'll have to think about that one more when I win the bet!
JingleBells, at 1:18 pm, January 31, 2005
Anna: you have a gambling problem. But one thing you never told me was why it was so important for you to see Sharon play Amanda in Starcraft? And wow, Jing as a goth? Hehe that'd be quite a sight! So, Anna you must lose the bet with Sharon so we get to see you in a dress, win the bet with Jing so we get to see her as a goth and feel guilty about not keeping your end of the deal in the Ting/Ting bet so we get to see you in a miniskirt and perform She Bangs Billy Hung style.
And why do we want to see you in a dress? Simply because we never have. So, if you wore more dresses we'd stop pestering you with requests.
Wayland out.
Wayland, at 2:44 pm, February 01, 2005
I thought I did answer why it's bad to play against Amanda, but here it is again:
"Since almost everyone in my family plays Starcraft, Amanda is actually quite good at it, even though she's only 7 and doesn't quite understand most strategies. Still, it's embarrassing to lose to someone that is less than half your age. Plus, once she gets someone to play with her, she doesn't let go of them until she gets bored- which can be hours and hours away!"
Jing: What do you mean by when you win the bet???
Wayland: So you're saying that people want to see me in a dress/skirt because it's an uncommon event- and the way to get them to stop is to start wearing them a lot? I think I prefer the wearing it once if I lose and getting it over and done with.
Fodder, at 7:47 pm, February 01, 2005
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