What Happens To Me After Extended Periods of Daniel Withdrawl
I love the rain. I sounds and smells so nice, and when I'm walking in the rain, it feels so nice. (Except when I'm wrestling with a broken umbrella and it's very windy.) What I don't love about the rain is that somehow our phone line got damaged so now we can't call out and can't answer the phone either (when we try to pick it up, it just keeps ringing- weird, huh?). Then we were told to disconnect everything so they could find where the fault was. That meant no Internet, which meant no WoW. So I decided to start reading. Yes, there is a point somewhere in this post, hopefully something other than random rambling.
I picked up my old journal and started reading through it. It's from 2001, so year 10. I came across this list of the top 10 things I thought were the most important in a guy. Needless to say, I nearly killed myself laughing. This was post-David, pre-Yasin, so I was possibly a little confused here. I never did work out what was wrong with David. When I told people about my crush on Yasin, there wasn't much of a reaction, but when I said David, there was surprise and the general feeling of, "Why?". Anyway, I'm talking about a bunch of people that you all don't know (with the exception of Jing), so I'll move on now.
My Year 10 List:
10. Intelligent - anything better than a vegetable.
9. Likes cartoons
8. Likes arguing
7. Has at least one allergy
6. Likes playing cards
5. Computer literate - This one made me laugh the most. Compared with most of the people in my classes, I'm the most computer illiterate! But I think that was the time I tried to help teach some people how to use a computer. I got really frustrated when after half an hour, they still didn't get that right-click and left-click were two different things!
4. Short-winded - I really had a problem with someone who talked a lot. :-S
3. Criticises constructively
2. Is willing to do something different - When Nibo saw this, she wondered if that meant that he should get a new girlfriend every two weeks or so. Nibo is such a good gemella, pointing out the absolute ridiculousness of my list.
1. Good sense of humour - at least this one is still on my list.
Now my second point. I'm so happy that I'm going to be winning not one, but two bets with year! With ridiculous lists like this, there is no way that Jing or Anthea can possibly find someone for me. My gambling problem is over.
One lab and one exam to go, and then freedom! But considering all you meds start on Valentines Day, and my exam is on the 15th, you'll all be slaving away. So I won't be able to do anything with you after I get my freedom. :-( Why can't you start at the same time as the rest of us?
Yeah, I love going back to old journals, it's so funny! Some of the things I thought were important at the time are things that I don't even care about now. Like saving the world. I was hall-bent on that when I still liked dolphins, but now I want to take it over! Mwahahahaha!
About the allergy thing. I'm allergic to so many things that it's kinda hard for me to eat anything when I go out to eat. So I figure if he has an allergy, too, then we can both struggle to find something to eat together. Or at least, it won't be so awkward when I'm constantly asking what is in each meal.
Where are all of these guys that fit my list? Oh, the cartoon thing should probably be changed to anime now. As for intelligence, I think the ability to play tetris and make it up to level 9, starting from 0, shows intelligence.
And yes, I admit, I wasn't studying that much, but that's because we were given a 2 hour lunch and there was nothing to do, so I just did all my studying during that time- plus all the rush doing of assignments.
Fodder, at 12:29 am, February 09, 2005
Ah! Anna the romantic. And she says love doesnt exist... hehehe. yeah Old journals are interesting to read. I remember your save the dolphins stage too. That lasted for a while too! Make another list now and look at it in 3 years time. I'm sure it will be totally different then too.
Unknown, at 12:15 pm, February 13, 2005
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