How to Get A Guy In Eight Months?
I haven't made a bet in a while. I haven't won a bet in an even longer while. Oh, and hope everyone has a safe and happy new year! Anyway, I've made a bet with Sharon. She commented that Nick's, guy that we work with, brother got married at the age of 20 and that it's early. i was bored, she was bored, so we decided to make a bet. I bet that she would be married, or at least engaged, at the age of 20. The things that I have to do if I lose don't look too good:
-Go clubbing
-Wear a dress to the next anime marathon
-Run to uni and back-to home, I mean (being a horribly unfit nerd, I'd probably die)
-Ask Tom out on a date
-Dance somewhere along Sydney Rd.
-Hug Salem (one of the managers at Safeway- he can be very creepy at times)
-Be Amanda's slave for a day (Amanda is my seven-year-old sister)
-Spend an hour on the phone with Victor (Victor is Sharon's younger brother; phone conversations with him mostly consist of, "Hi Anna" repeated over and over)
-Cook for the next party that I have
-Listen to Elvis all night (all night being from dusk 'til dawn)
I don't have to do all of those things, but Graham is going to choose one of them at random, and that'll be thing thing I have to do if I lose.
If I win, however, Sharon has to do one of these things-also chosen at random by Graham:
-Sing at her wedding
-Play Starcraft against Amanda
-Choose one language, and speak it for the whole day
-Go and watch a play
-Do some tabletop dancing at her wedding (courtesy of Wayland)
-Do a Geroge of the Jungle type call (courtesy of Jing-I personally want to see her to this! ^_^)
-Walk around the city with a sign saying, "I'm married now- you missed out, buddy" for an hour -Dress up as a teddy bear
-Go shopping for clothes for 6 hours, but don't actually buy anything
-Tell everyone that Michael Shanks is the hottest guy in the world!
Getting married at the age of 20 is VERY early. I mean, friend of mine's sister got married at 21 or 22 (can't quite remember which) and I thought THAT was REALLY early. Mind you now she's living with him somewhere...Shepparton I think...and she's 23-24...again my memory fails me. But then before she hooked up with this guy she had a total of 13, yes you read right, THIRTEEN boyfriends. And this was doing Speech Path at Latrobe (total of perhaps 0 to 4 guys do it per year), so yeah, go her eh?
Returning more to the topic at hand...I think the odds being rather against you perhaps the penalties for you should be less harsh than those for Sharon. And I mean, reading from your list it doesn't seem all THAT bad, aside from say listening to Elvis all night (if you have to stay awake that is).
Anyhow! How to get a guy in eight months...hmm...good question. Eight months is quite a long time really...for getting a bf at least...maybe not the whole engaged deal. I mean, to get a guy in eight months I'd say all you really need is to not be in a segrated crowd (like I was going to MacRob - oh the horrors!) and also be on the lookout for good...material. of luck for the bet! Hey I just realised something (and no, it's not that I have mouth diarrhoea), it's kinda a win-win situation for Sharon isn't it? a)she gets engaged/married and is very happy or b)she doesn't but gets to see you do something...unsual...and she's happy!
Righteo I will shut up now. Shoulda just blogged myself eh? But that requires a topic. And yeah...yours is good...alright I WILL shut up NOW...or now...or NOW...or nowwwwwwwww, or nnnnnnow, fine now.
JingleBells, at 11:43 pm, January 02, 2005
The verdict has come in. If I lose, I have to wear a dress to the next anime marathon. If I win, Sharon has to play Starcraft against Amanda.
Wear a dress and hug Salem were the two worst on the list.
Going clubbing wouldn't be that bad, as one of my friends said that she'd go with me.
Running to uni-well, I'd have a lot of time to train.
Ask Tom out, that would have been short-lived, as he'd say no and that'd be it.
Dancing along Sydney Rd., I could do it outside a pub and it'd look normal.
Be Amanda's slave, I don't think she understands the concept.
Spend an hour on the phone w/Victor, I'd just read a book at the same time.
Cook, I can 'cook' frozen stuff.
Listen to Elvis- I don't mind him, and I'd be able to sleep through most of it.
Fodder, at 10:44 pm, January 03, 2005
Is Amanda good at Starcraft then? Why is Sharon playing Amanda such a bad thing?
Ah well, be sure to invite all of us to the anime marathon as well :D.
Wayland, at 1:45 pm, January 06, 2005
Since almost everyone in my family plays Starcraft, Amanda is actually quite good at it, even though she's only 7 and doesn't quite understand most strategies. Still, it's embarrassing to lose to someone that is less than half your age. Plus, once she gets someone to play with her, she doesn't let go of them until she gets bored- which can be hours and hours away!
Fodder, at 1:14 pm, January 09, 2005
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