Queen of Queens(land)
Well, we came back from our trip a few days early, since Scott really didn't want to stay in Sydney. Since we just got back about 2 hours ago, I haven't had time to look through the hours of footage that I took, so Saman, those pics aren't ready yet. Oh, and I think I got some strange looks from my family when I started filming girls on the beach. Sorry, I didn't bring anyone home for you. Oh, and I didn't get to go surfing. I finally managed to convince Scott, but the day before we were meant to go, I managed to trip over on the bus and sprained my ankle.
Sorry for the short post, but I'm feeling really sleepy at the moment. I'll write more later.
つづく (to be continued)
no no, i"m commenting too! WELCOME BACK ANNA! Now i have to be honest here... Wayland and Jing havent got their Christmas cards yet :S (my bad) and Saman has been read his message but hasnt physically got his card either :S Very, very sorry... i hope you will find it in your heart this holiday season to forgive your wretched friend... Jean
Unknown, at 11:35 am, December 27, 2004
Aw...surfing would've been fun I'd imagine. In any case you stole my "to be continued" idea at the end of a blog! Good to see that my ideas are spreading! Soon I'll be the Queen of Queens(land).
King! I mean king!
Wayland, at 8:34 pm, December 27, 2004
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