The Great Big Microsoft Secret
Hmmm, in a conspiracy theory mood at the moment. I've been talking to Ting(guy) on MSN, and he's suggested a few solutions, but maybe I should write what it is first!
This is a Try-It-At-Home one. Click on [Favourites]. Notice the [Links] folder. OK, delete it (if you had anything important in there, as if you would, move it somewhere else first). See, it's gone? Ah, but it comes back! What you didn't know is, Microsoft has a secret plan. This is -going to sound very far-fetched- but what decent conspiracy theory isn't? Microsoft is going to use those Links folders to take over the world; one million Internet Explorer users at a time. Here's how it works (remember, I'm a software eng student, so you have to take my word for it that everything is true):
1. Place something that is present, but everyone thinks is harmless. Come on, admit it, you just ignore the links folder, don't you? Bet you didn't even remember it was there until you read this. It's in the user agreement that you acknowledge the presence of the Links folder.
2. Now that the folders are there, and with Microsoft being the over-dominating OS at the moment, out comes the little program. It's disguised as an update, probably as a security update (ha, the irony!). This program will set of the true purpose of the Links folder.
3. Since nobody notices the Links folder anymore, nobody bothers to check what is in it. Soon, all of your personal information that's stored on your computer will end up in the Links folder. Everytime you connect to the net (if you don't connect everytime you turn your computer on) the contents of the folder will be sent to a Microsoft computer and filed away. After they have your personal information, then program is programmed to search for interesting documents. AI is further along than you think.
4. With all of this knowledge, Microsoft will claim to be omniscient. Of course, we'll all deny it, but then starts the blackmailing. Microsoft will take over the world!
Actually, not long after I started this post, Ting found a site that tells you how to get rid of the Links folder:
I figured that I might as well finish the post, being the sort of person that finishes everything she starts (er...yeah).
Anyway, now, after 4 years of trying, I'm finally Links folder free!
Vert interesting story, it's excellent... but i kinda spoilt it though, damn.
At least you got rid of the links folder - that has to be something!
Anonymous, at 4:04 am, November 26, 2004
Hmm... it must be a comp/eng thing. I dont really care about links folders and things... I'm just happy my computer works at all! (Strokes laptop... nice kitty, nice kitty, now you dont want to go and crash now do you?)
Unknown, at 11:27 am, November 26, 2004
Ah, Saman, don't you know there's an button in the "Options" called "Clear History". Tsk, tsk.
Well, thanks for telling me how to delete that damned Links folder! It's so annoying...
I'd switch to some other OS and software...but Microsoft is just so easy and convenient! And we all know how lazy I am!
Wayland, at 11:55 pm, November 27, 2004
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