Stars of Tomorrow
This blog has been re-enabled. ;)
Well, few people came over today. (Yeah, a few. This morning, mum asked how many people were coming, and I said about 4. Anjelica, after everyone had left, told me that I can't count.)
First, Jing and Saman battled it out, Jing winning by a, Jing winning. (Don't want to offend one of the very few people that read this!) We also heard a nice duet of This Love from Jing and Wayland. Then they kicked butt in pass the mic, score was me; Jean; and Saman:6, to Jing; and Wayland:8, even though Wayland had wasted all of their shuffle tokens in one turn! Should have seen Saman and I try and sing Survivor together... let's just say that neither of us is going to be the fourth member of Destiny's Child anytime soon. Then it was girls against guys, and we won! Well, it was more like Jing and Jean won, and I just mumbled my way through the songs.
Throughout the day, we pretty much established that Jing and Jean are really good singers. Anjelica started playing and was surprised to see how many times their names were on the scoreboard.
Lunch was pizza, and Nadia and Rie (not sure how it's spelt, but she's Japanese, so I'm guessing that's how her name would be spelt) joined us, but didn't sing. :(
But I think my greatest achievement for the day was finally getting Tom to see Spiderman 2. We went to see it in July, but we missed it and didn't want to wait around for an hour, so we went and saw something else. But I did it!
Nobody would let me film them, so all I got were these three pics:
[EDIT] Sorry to Saman, Jing and Wayland, who tried to access the links, but Tripod wouldn't let them. Fixed it now... (70KB) (103KB) (91KB)
Thankyou for a WONDERFUL day of awesome (victorious) fun! I had a ball!! Singstar is such a great game :D.
Now now, before you fool everyone into believing that I'm a good singer I must point out that really I'm quite mediocre! I usually lose to all my med friends I mean...but then some of them are really good...
Anyway it was great to hear everyone sing! I must say Saman has a very unique way of handling unknown songs. But hm if there was one disappointment in the day then it'd be hearing the guys' rather woeful rendition of "Build Me Up Buttercup" by the Foundations. really didn't do the song justice. Of course they didn't know the song so they're forgiven but I know for a fact that both of them now own the song so they can practise at home and next time...they HAVE to sing it again and this time sing it WELL.
Oh last thing - about those photos, I can't seem to get them to work! And neither can Saman either he tells me. Not sure whether that's a good or bad thing but I'd still like to see them! :)
JingleBells, at 11:03 pm, December 03, 2004
Hm, well that issue sure is a corker! It seems the stupid Tripod hosting service won't let you to see the pictures from a source that's outside of their webpages. Ah well. I didn't sing "Build Me Up Buttercup" that badly the second time round. I think I was not in a good singing mood during my first rendition.
Ah well anyway I have no shame in how bad I sing. Yes I have the unique gift of making people really run away when I sing (this was observed at Anna's place in fact).
Hehe, and The Incredibles was just GREAT! I think I'd like to go see it in the cinemas! Very funny, but then what do you expect from an ex-Simpsons creative consultant? Hehe...and it was fun watching Spiderman 2 a third time! It's good to know what happens next!
Wayland, at 1:27 am, December 04, 2004
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