Movin' On Out
I know that I've already done a post on moving out, but the topic has come up again, and I need help. It seems that Graham has hit a snag in his moving out plan, that being he doesn't have anyone to move out with. Also, sometime earlier this year, Sharon asked me to move out with her and Ting. I refused both offers, for the reasons stated in my last post. So the logical thing would be to get Graham to move out with Sharon and Ting, right? Killing two birds with one stone, and Sharon and Graham get along well (that is NOT a sign that I'm going to try and set them up. When my latest one is over, then I'm retiring, for good. So unless Jean and William get it in their heads to see each other of their own free will, there will be no Jean and William *sobs* ).
I told Sharon about my idea, and she went from enthusiastic about moving out to heistant. I told Graham about my idea and he started saying stuff about how he hasn't known Sharon for very long. I only met him in January this year- and when uni started, I introduced him to Sharon. So he has known her for almost as long as he's known me. Oh, but we were in the same maths class in semester one, so I saw him a lot more then. Why don't they like my idea? I think it's a good idea. Sharon and Ting want to live together. Graham needs something closer to the uni so he doesn't have to get up at 7 or 8AM to make an 11AM class. It's a win-win situation.
Yesterday, Graham asked me if I'd like to move out with him again. I made the same excuses that I did last time, but you know how when you make excuses, and they're not very good, how they seem to get weaker every time you use them? Well, that happened. And I'm scared that one of two things will happen:
1. I'll keep making the same excuses, and then eventually, he'll come up with an argument that I can't beat, and I'll say yes, simply because it's the logical thing to do. If there's no reason for me NOT to move out, then I should if there's a reason for me to move out. Oh, and I forgot to mention, while he's looking for a place to stay in Melbourne, he's living with his sister and her fiancée, but he can't stay there for too long. That would be the reason FOR me to move out.
2. I'll keep saying no and he'll get insulted. Then there'll be this stain in out friendship, and that would be very bad. He's one of the few people who'll be around in my final year (he's doing arts/eng as well). Oh, he might not, unless he extends it by a year. I could make more friends, but that's more work, and Graham is a good friend. I hate losing friends.
And on a completely unrelated note, I was just helping someone prepare for a Test of English as Foreign Language(TOEFL) test. So it is now 12:20AM (compare the time to what it says at the bottom of this post!). Cho, the person that I was helping lives in Thailand, and he is studying so hard (makes me feel so guilty)! It's pretty weird how I met him. I was bored, as usual, and David Tomic, one of my friends from DPSC (Jing, I think you might remember him), suggested that I add random people to my contact list on MSN Messenger, and see how well I can get to know them. Well, I ended up filling up my contact list, but i think about 12 people out of 80-something actually added me and spoke to me. Cho was one of them.
So I've just been trying to explain quoting to him (he said that he did it briefly in class, but I don't think he really knew what it was for). I didn't have a good topic to use as an example, so I just sent him chunks of this post- so he can know about my moving woes too! Then I had a flash of inspiration, and made up a topic, though it wasn't very good. "Do you think chicken is tasty?" Discuss. I don't know if Wayland's post caused it, or if it's just because I'm hungry, but in order to continue with this example, I had to come up with some weird sources. Like a scientist from the Russian Chicken Research Company. Is there such a thing? I just Googled it, and came up with nothing. I bet it's classified!
Jing, Jean and I went to Chadstone, but I'll wait until I do something with the video before I write about it. Actually, I'm probably the worst person you could ask about it. I'm going to sleep while I still have the positive vibes from helping someone. Oyasuminasai.
Oh yay! My name was mentioned :D!
But mmm...I had Nando's for lunch today! I guess that was because the chicken lost in that argument. Was that the punishment for the loser? Or the prize for the winner? Ah well, it was good anyway and anytime is chicken time :D! Yummy...*smacks lips*...
Well, you sound like you had some fun at shopping! Well, at least with your camera! I remember the last time I went there, I thought we were there to watch a movie. How wrong I was...spent about 5 hours there walking from one place to another, and no one actually bought anything (well my friends did buy my a very belated birthday present, but that just isn't the same).
Anyway, looking forward to seeing that tape and all the juicy shopping bits ;).
Wayland, at 12:38 am, December 10, 2004
Ah! Of course I know David Tomic! Gee, I'm starting to think you know more people I went to primary school with than I do! I mean, I'm still pretty in shock that I've found Benett after something like six years! Pretty cool.
Eventually we might even get enough people for a FPS reunion!! So now we have: me, Chantel, Ben, and David. Oh and I still have Jenny on msn if anyone remembers her.
As for moving out...I've thought about this too and really I think I'm probably best suited to living on my own in a flat or apartment somewhere since I'm really quite difficult to live with. I mean...I stay up late, I like playing music real loud, I talk too much on the phone, ditto for the net...yep, I'm a real pain to live with.
JingleBells, at 3:52 pm, December 10, 2004
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