It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like New Year's
I've just finished reading Bridget Jones' Diary, and without Colin Firth, I don't think it's as good. But she did have a nice list of New Years resolutions, and I've decided to make my own list. Even if I only manage to keep one resolution, then it'll be an achievement.
1. No overdue library books
(Last year, I decided that this was going to be my resolution. 10 minutes into the new year, I remembered that book I'd left on my desk that was due on the 31st.) Must try harder this year.
2. Learn the kanji as we learn them in class
This was I can avoid trying to cram 200 characters 2 hours before the Japanese exam.
3. Spend less than $1000 on games (this includes 40k models)
I know that I'm supporting the industry that I'm hopefully trying to get into- the software industry that is- but I'm hoping to go to Japan with Nadia at the end of next year, and I'll need to have some money left to get manga!
4. Spend less time watching TV
I'm going to try and restrict myself to shows that I actually want to watch, instead of just watching what's on and mindlessly getting absorbed in some show that I'll have fogotten about a week later.
5. Try and do something productive for society
Sharon and I were going to do some voluntary work at the RCH, but we were told that they were inundated with applications and that we should apply 3 months later. So I am going to volunteer for something.
6. Finish a proper movie, worthy of an arts student
I haven't made any real movies since I bought my video camera, just a few short clips that I've joined together and added some background music to. This year, I am going to try and make a proper movie, it'll probably end up being a christmas card again, but I am going to aim for twenty minutes at least. So it'll probably have to be a family card, since nobody else will want to watch twenty minutes of footage of strangers.
Well, that's all I can think of at the moment. I'll try and add some more before NYE.
[EDIT 30-12-04] 7.Try not to think about a certain person
But even the act of thinking about not thinking about someone requires that you think about them, so I don't quite know how I'm going to do this. At least I resolve to stop messaging him like I did while I was on holiday. I think he's responsible for half of my credit being gone. :'(
WOW! so organised! Best of luck with the resolutions! oh and HAPPY NY in advance! (to make up for the late christmas....)
Unknown, at 7:37 pm, December 30, 2004
Ah, a very belated happy new year Anna! The two resolutions I've made I think are: use less MSN and sleep earlier.
Well best of luck with the ones you've set!
Wayland, at 1:38 pm, January 06, 2005
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