People Dancing Really Well... And Then Me....
Today, wwwa (Weekly Watchers of Wonderful Anime) held an anime marathon. Anjelica, her friend Anthea, her other friend Mitchell, Sharon and I all went. Since they were showing the end of a series that they'd been showing during semester in the morning, we didn't want to watch just the end, so we headed for the games room. They had a couple of DDR mats hooked up to a laptop, and had a huge collection of songs. I'd never seen so many people play DDR in my life! We do have a couple of DDR mats here, and at Anjelica's birthday party there were quite a few people who were willing to make total fools of themselves. Unfortunately, none of them would let me near them with my camera. :(
Anyway, in the games room, there were some really good (and some really bad -hint, hint, me...) dancers. The guy who owns the game, I think his name was Tom, was amazing. I could barely register the arrows on the screen, and he was moving like mad! He played this song that was 300bpm (5 beats per second), and he cleared it easily! Then he and this other girl started this marathon song that went for 10 minutes. I would have died! We watched a few episodes of some stuff, then we went back, and he was still there dancing!
Anjelica and Mitchell got up to play, on the condition that they could do the song at half the normal speed. It was so slow that there were having trouble hitting the notes at the right time. Then Anthea and I got up and attempted to dance. It's so scary getting up in front of strangers and trying not to fall over. But Anthea and I made it through the song alive and have decided NOT to do that ever again.
I used to think that people who were good at those games: Beatmania, DDR, Guitarmania, etc. were really sad, ie. don't they have anything better to do??? Though, after seeing those people dance today, I think I'm just jealous. Athens, the game, can be played on a dance mat, and you have to move your feet really fast. I'm absolutely hopeless at it, and usually end up giving up halfway through the race- because of sheer exhaustion! I don't know if it's the 200m or 400m race, but one of them is the longest race you can play on a dance mat, and it just goes forever! Or it could just be because I'm horribly unfit....
I love those dancing game things. No, let me rephrase... I love watching other people battle it out. Unfortunately, my foot-eye coordination could do with some work... If i could stand on my hands and 'dance' that way then maybe i would have a chance. Still its really cool watching the people who are good at it and really funny watching the people who arent. Hehehe... I wish i could have been there.
Oh and even though i'm sure you've watched it already... i suggest 'Spirited Away' It is the best anime i've watched since sailor moon. Seriously, its REALLLY good!
Unknown, at 7:23 am, December 07, 2004
Have any of you see Vampire Hunter D? I think the one I saw was the second one, it was REALLY good...and Neon Genesis: Evangalion was also really good...although VERY strange.
Spirited away looks good, and um...Sailor version they show here is far inferior to the original, for you see the Americans decided to be smart and draw their mouths in sync to their words. GOOD ONE THICKHEADS! wasn't too bad I guess...although I also liked Pokemon and Dragon Ball (they're so addictive dammit...).
Well, anime is quite good on the whole! Wonder if my library has any on its shelves...
Wayland, at 9:29 pm, December 07, 2004
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