Goodbye, Cruel World
Since Saman is the only one on at this crazy time, I'm using this to say goodbye to everyone. I'm giving up life, throwing in the towel... I don't know how much more of this I can take. Nothing makes sense and everything has just gone wrong. I don't know what to do anymore. Not even Saman could change my mind. Life sucks to much to go on living...
Wow, that sounded so odd. Actually, what I wanted to say goodbye for, was my trip to Queensland, which I'm leaving for in a few minutes. I've offered to bring Saman along in my backpack, but I don't think he'd fit. Well, I could bring him and not have anything else.... and I'd have to chop him up first.
Anyway, in Queensland, I'll probably be without access to the net, so if you don't see me online, or I don't reply, it's not because I hate you... it could be, but I doubt it.
How dare you even think about taking up precious packpack space with something other than clothes!*Shock *Horror!
Unknown, at 12:04 pm, December 11, 2004
Haha, Anna I think the bit about chopping Saman into little bits was a lot odder than your "kill yourself" thing...well, a lot of people might have those thoughts. But cutting up one of your friends to fit into a luggage bag? Hm...
Ah well hope you have fun in Queensland! See you when you get back!
Wayland, at 12:50 pm, December 12, 2004
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