To continue the tradition that was started last semester, we went out for lunch after the physics exam. Last time it was just four of us: me, Sharon, Lucien and Tom. This time we've expanded: me, Sharon, Lucien, Tom, Sam, Matt, Graham, Ricky-nii and Sasha. Matt is Sam's friend, and Sasha is Graham's friend. I think I've mentioned everyone else before.
When I suggested pancakes, I didn't expect people to agree so readily, but I was so excited when they did! Pancakes.... *drools* Sadly though, there were a lot of jokes about things I can't eat. Tom make many references to pizza and the fact that I have to eat it without cheese. He is so mean! I want to punch him, but I never can. If only he'd stay still...
So we walked in the rain to The Pancake Parlour on Bourke St., and then half of them left to go to the ATM. When we all finally sat down, Graham and Sasha had to leave because they had a Russian exam that they had to go to. :( Sam and Sharon seemed like they were going to start fighting (in a good way), but they wouldn't let me go home and grab my video camera first.
At the end of the lunch, Tom started saying stuff about how slow I eat. I'm starting to think I'm fickle- not with love, but with my opinion of Tom. One moment, he'll say something completely bizarre, and I'll think he's a good person- weird, but good (I like weird people). But then he'll do something else, and I'll feel like throwing him out the window (if I could, that'd be amazing, too!). But it's in a good way, if that's possible. Actually, it's not only Tom. When Barbara told me that Nick threw stones at platypuses, I was shocked. He's one of the nicest people I know. Apparently, he also chases kangaroos, too. Then he sits down and starts playing chess with the other kids, acting like a kid himself while he's at it, and I'll go back to thinking he's a nice person. I would go on, but there's a possibility that the next few people actually read this blog, so maybe I won't.
Next we went to Games Workshop, where Sharon bought me an early Christmas present, two Dire Avengers. サンキュウ、シャロンさん。By then only Lucien, Tom, Sharon, niichan and I were left. All of us except Sharon play GW games. Maybe she might start, too. Well, if she's interested in being broke anytime soon. ^_^
Lucien left and we got to the part where we wander around for a while not knowing where to go, so we went home. I'm just happy that I got to eat pancakes, and Jamaican banana. I'm also bored and waiting for everyone to go to sleep so that I can watch Stargate in peace.
But other than an infection that I somehow got on my foot (I bandaged my foot up so I could walk), I have this funny feeling from the lunch today. I don't know what it is, but it's bothering me. Not a sick/vomit-feeling, but an emotion-feeling. Maybe it's the 'Awww, I'm so glad I have such wonderful friends' feeling? Or the 'Yay, I got to eat pancakes today, but now I have this annoying itch' feeling? (yes, I know pancakes have both egg and milk in them, but that's part of why I love them so much, because I really shouldn't eat them, being allergic to egg and dairy products and all) Maybe it's the 'Niichan gave me anime' feeling? I don't know, but it's unsettling and bothering me. :(
But off to feel better and watch Stargate! Daniel Jackson が好きです。
[I just tried a spell check, because I wasn't sure I had Jamaican right, and it turns out that the spell check doesn't even recognise the word 'blog'! Argh, I so should be studying.]
mmm.... pancakes...
Unknown, at 10:13 am, November 13, 2004
Ah yes, I remember your love affair with pancakes, and how a staple question in your old interviews was "what do you think of pancakes?".
But what are those words in Japanese? Argh, Google doesn't have a Japanese to English translator :(. But oh, I thought Daniel Jackson was killed on that planet, although I kind of stopped watching Stargate a few episodes after Jonas (that was his name right?) joined the team...
Wayland, at 11:38 pm, November 14, 2004
Sankyuu, Sharon-san.
Thank you, Sharon.
Daniel Jackson が大好きです。
Daniel Jackson ga daisuki desu.
I love Daniel Jackson.
Pancakes are very yummy. I don't think I asked Jing if she likes pancakes or not. Jing, do you like pancakes?
I worked out what that feeling was. It was that weird feeling that you get wgen you can make other people do things. I made everyone go and eat pancakes in the afternoon! Well, Lucien did all the talking, but we had pancakes for something other than breakfast.
I did do some studying today. Sharon and I went to the State Library today, and I managed to get through one maths sheet. Yay!
Fodder, at 9:33 pm, November 15, 2004
OF COURSE I like pancakes!
Haha, and go me for being the first person to know who Daniel Jackson is and to tell you so! Woohoo...go nerdy looking Sci-fi guys...
JingleBells, at 8:31 pm, November 16, 2004
Daniel Jackson = nerdy *swoon*
Forgot to mention, for those of you that aren't still watching Stargate (shame on you! j/k), Daniel Jackson 'died' and ascended, so he became one of the 'Ancients', so he was an all-powerful being, but he wasn't allowed to interfere. That went against everything he believed in, so he was sent back and became a human again.
I'm glad so many people share my love of pancakes. Even niichan, who said that it's a poor substitute for pie.
One exam to go!
Fodder, at 8:05 pm, November 17, 2004
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