Summer Fun Returns!
Seems like Summer and fun can't stay away for very long. For some reason, mum decided that she wants to go somewhere for Christmas this year (but to be here on Christmas Day so that she can go to the annual family party :-( *sigh*). So we're off to Queensland. *excited, excited* We'll be staying at this place called The Penthouses, which is about 10m from a beach, and is close to Surfer's Paradise. We'll be going with my aunty, uncle, and my cousin Scott.
So with something like that to look forward too, who can be sad about exams? I think the trip has put a positive spin on everything and I think Pr(failing everything) ≠1. [It's probably at about 0.95, but hey, at least it isn't certain anymore!]
We're going to fly up there and drive back. That way we can bring stuff back and see places along the way. My aunty wants to stop in Sydney, and I want to go to Wagga Wagga, because Sam talks about it so much- even though it's just to say that nothing is there. Well, I also want to go there because it has a funny name. :D
I can't wait to try surfing. I've loved that sport for so long, but I've been too scared to try it. I think my family deciding to go to Queenland is a sign. I'll also be able to lie on the beach and play my Gameboy. OK... so that's not the best use of the beach, but I've never done that before! There will also be a lot of swimming, and building of sandcastles. And my video camera is going to get a good workout. If it were possible, I'd never stop filming, but hey, who wants footage of my view from the toilet? I don't know about taking it to Wet 'N' Wild, but we'll see.
So excited, so excited. I don't think I can sit down. How will I survive until we leave? I want to jump up and down, but I won't last until the end of the week. *jump, jump* I can't stop thinking about it. So excited.
Hmmm, maybe I should follow Jing and Wayland's idea and have a quiz:
The first person to answer that, that hasn't already been mocktioned, can be the next lucky person to be mocktioned!
Wow, what a guess! Well, I guess that means we have out next mocktion™ victim!
Fodder, at 12:31 am, November 19, 2004
That sounds REALLY exciting Anna! Have you ever been to Queensland before? Cos I haven't unfortunately :(.
But anyway, hope you have HEAPS of fun when you go, even though that won't be for a while...meaning we bloggers should all get together one of these days! Aside from Jean's sleepover I mean considering the boys will be er...less than able to participate.
Ah, and I hope you get a mocktionee soon. I miss all the drama!
JingleBells, at 7:21 pm, November 19, 2004
Oooh Queensland! The Sunshine State. Or rather, now it's The Smart State (don't ask me why, I mean that should be Victoria of course!)
Just a word of warning...the Gold Coast is the best beach ever...once you go there you may never want to leave...hehe.
Anyway, be sure to visit Dreamworld and Movieworld! It's fun to see how those blockbuster effects are really done, and also having the thrill of your life isn't too bad!
Surfing sounds like fun! Never was really into it, but don't hurt yourself! We want to read all about your adventures riding the waves!
Hehe, see ya! And have fun!
Wayland, at 1:02 am, November 20, 2004
i wish i was going up to queensland :( although are you going doing schoolies? that might be a bit of an experience to say the least. I've noticed that the comments are getting longer and longer (which is a good thing) so i will try my best to keep up. You have to stop at Albury on the way down. It has this 'Big Merino' and you get to climb up into its brains and look out its eyes. Its pretty cool coz they havent cleaned the thing for years and all you can see is grey dust and splattered insects. In fact, i say go on a 'Big ____' tour. I think there are big guitars, bananas, pineapples, dung piles, cheesesticks and toast racks (wait... that was the entry into citylink... nvm)
Unknown, at 10:38 am, November 20, 2004
Beanie, will you be my next mocktionee™, since Saman doesn't want to?
We're going to get one of those 3-Day Super Pass things, so we can go to 3 different theme parks, and then go back to one. Thankfully, we're not going for schoolies. I read that there's a lot of old guys going there to target young, drunk girls. *shudders* If it were Sir Alec Guinness, then that's another story-but he'd never do that.
We should really do something. Something that doesn't involve spending too much money, since I want to bring a surfboard home! I'm off to try and find World of Warcraft, which comes out today! *even more excited-if that's even possible* I'll try to think of something.
Fodder, at 11:49 am, November 23, 2004
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