Bend It Like Tse-Tung
Bend It Like Beckham was on just then. I love that movie, and it's because of that movie that I had this thing for Indian people. I was just thinking about how my parents would react if I told them that I wanted to marry a non-Chinese person. Well, after they got over the initial shock of me wanting to get married. Considering that my cousin recently married an Aussie, and another of my cousins is going to do the same next year, I don't think it'd be that much of a problem, but let's think worst case scenario here.
They're too polite to just tell him to get lost. They'd have to think of some other way to make him think twice. So first on their list would have to be exposing him to the craziness that is my extended family. First he would be inundated with names. "Hey, this is my Uncle Tony. This is _______." They'd shake hands, and then we'd move on to the next person. After my 9 aunts and 8 uncles, we'd move on to my cousins. Last count, there were 21, but that was 7 years ago. I think we've expanded far beyond that now. We have my older cousins that are now married, or have boy/girlfriends -who seem to change every month (not the married ones!). The teenage cousins that have discovered that it's not as boring if they bring along a friend (someone who has been well briefed in how to avoid being cross-interogated by my family). Last, there are the children of my married cousins, whose numbers seem to be growing at an exponential rate. Are you confused yet? Even I don't know the names of most of the people that I'd have to introduce to him.
If he somehow survives that and doesn't run away, then he'd have to survive the family Mah Jongg games. There's smoking, shouting, and at New Year's, drinking. On a bad day, there's accusations of cheating, and they can get really heated.
Last, I think my parents will try to scare him away by pretending to be Triad members. My mum is famous for stuffing people so that they can't move. He might think that they drugged him and are going to take him to a meat freezer and kill him Romeo Must Die style. I found out the one of my cousins got a dragon tattooed on to the back of his head- it's cool, but it has really creepy eyes! He'd help keep up the pretense.
(Daniel: If you're reading this a year from now, remember that you let me put this up!)
So considering that I've yet to fall for a Chinese guy, I think there are going to be a few problems in the future...
[By the way, Chuang Tse-Tung is a Chinese table tennis player, I just Googled a name.]
WOW! Yet to fall for a Chinese guy! Hmm...well...hmm...perhaps it's a case of lack of exposure?? I mean, I'd never liked a chinese guy either (in real life...I'm not sure having a crush on Andy Lau at the age of 6 counts?) till med this year where like...a third of the guys are chinese or something!
Ah well, doesn't matter. I think you'll be fine taking home/marrying an Aussie boy. I mean, if he loves you then he won't mind all the cultural assaults will he? I mean, think: my big fat greek wedding. And yeah, Bend It Like Beckham's great...that coach sure is a hottie! Irish accent...pale blue eyes...hubba hubba!
Oh but don't get me wrong, I have my heart completely set on a nice Chinese boy! A nice, wonderful, handsome, PURRfect Chinese boy...I mean I mean boy...hmm...youth?NO...guy. Oh fine MAN.
JingleBells, at 11:33 am, November 01, 2004
Hey Anna... this doesnt have anything to do with crazy stalker guy? What are you not telling me? Oh and your family rocks! They are soooo much fun. I mean, i know i dont have to live with them and all but its like activity central when i do go over to your house. Good luck to the future Mr Chang... and you should definitely come over to Dent one day. Indian people rock!
Unknown, at 11:45 am, November 05, 2004
This has nothing to do with stalkers or people of any kind. I just watched Bend It Like Beckham. And yes, Indian people are so awesome. I used to be so in love with them after watching this movie. There was this little Indian kid that played chess where I used to, and he was really funny. And really smart, too. He was 9 and in Year 7, I think.
My family is not that cool. It's never quiet around here!
My stalker has disapeared, yay! Maybe he stumbled upon my blog, saw Daniel's tattoo and ran away scared?
Fodder, at 8:48 pm, November 07, 2004
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