I Found One!
Before I get too involved in WoW and forget that I have a life, I'll post about something amazing that has happened. I've found a new gay best friend! Well, he told me that he'll alternate between being my gay best friend and my non-gay best friend every few weeks. I don't mind that since now I have a new gay best friend- though he's currently in non-gay best friend mode.
The name of my new gay best friend is......
*drumroll and dramatic pause*
*and cough for effect*
... SAMAN!
I don't know how well he'll do with being gay, but it'll be interesting to watch. Though considering my past record, he'll probably get a girlfriend and I'll lose another gay best friend. Well, that'll mean that I indirectly helped someone else get a girlfriend and that's a good thing, right? Anyway, patch has finished downloading now. Mata, ne.
Oh wow! Saman gay! There's something I never thought I'd live to hear. Well OK so he's just going to TRY to be Anna's gay guy best friend but still...that's pretty...out there.
Well good luck and good on you guys for being so um innovative. Just a reminder to Saman: Wayland is TAKEN. TAKEN by ME. Oh and besides that Wayland's not gay so I guess that fully rules him out. Apologies! But here's a suggestion: Cliff! Go for it...I mean him...
JingleBells, at 8:41 pm, January 24, 2005
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