Tennis Stole My Daniel (oops)
I opened the newspaper to make sure that Stargate SG-1 was on today, and to my shock I see that tennis is on instead! I don't hate tennis, but when the last episode had someone die, I don't like being left hanging! I know that she's in the SG spin-off Atlantis, but how can that be if she's dead?
I just wanted that there as my personal protest to Channel 7's programming.
About the bet with Sharon, during lunch with Lucien and Tom, I had a spark of inspiration. Stefan, a guy that trains with Tom, made a bet with Tom that he'd have a mobile phone by the end of second year. I decided to make the same bet with him. If he loses, then he has to propose to Sharon. I don't know what I have to do if I lose though. His birthday is on the 4th of August, and Sharon's birthday is on the 13th. So if he gets a phone for his birthday, then he'll have to propose to Sharon and she'll be engaged. [Ting just pointed out a hole in my plan. She can refuse. Well, I have 7 months to make them good friends.]
It's day 13 into 2005 and I've already bought my first game. Well, it's sold out at the moment, but I've ordered a copy.
Overdue library books: 0 (v.g.)
Kanji learnt: 0/0 (well, Japanese hasn't started yet!)
Money spent on games: soon to be $89.00, and since it's an MMORPG, I'll be spending more each month(v.v.v.b.)
Time spent watching TV: 3 hours (v.v.b.- but Azumanga Daioh is just so funny!)
Time spent doing constructive stuff for community: 0
Time spent writing a script: 0
I am looking forward to playing World of Warcraft though, it looks like so much fun. It may be the cause of my failing digisys. I want to go a priest and an orc, but the orcs don't have the priest class. So the closest thing I could find was an orc shaman.
Oh, and about the word vomit guy (who I'll nickname Mark in honour of Mark Darcy. 'Word Vomit Guy' is a really bad name!). He's disappeared! I haven't seen him in ages. Very sad, because I usually see him at least once a week. I wonder what happened to him? He didn't mention going anywhere- not that he tells me his life story every time I see him. I wonder what happened. Maybe he found out that there's a gold mine under Brunswick, and the council has been hiding it all this time. In order to stop him from talking, they tried to bribe him, but it didn't work, so they kidnapped him. Oh no! What should I do? Heh, maybe I should stop making up weird scenarios.
EDIT (10th April 2005)I just realised that I posted the same thing twice. Oops. I've delete the first post but here's Wayland's comment from the bottom of that:
WOW! No pun intended ;).ANYWAY (those who didn't get the above joke can ask me). I want to play World of Warcraft but I fear I won't get enough time to I;m not getting it...but it looks so good...I spent a day or two reading up on it...ah well...Wayland out.
By Wayland, at 8:36 PM, January 19, 2005
i cannot possibly follow after saman's great post but I will say... Bad Anna! no more computer games. Its bad for your colon. (I'm sure they'll find a link there soon, or maybe later). Anyway, I'm glad your enjoying the hols. What's MMORPG anyway?
Unknown, at 9:04 am, January 18, 2005
I'm in a skimming mood so sorry I didn't read this post properly nor Saman's great post. In any case, this post seems to be the same as the last...Well to verify I did read the post about number systems but that's because it caught my interest. Anyway, MMORPG stands for "massively multiplayer online role playing game".
Wayland out.
Wayland, at 8:39 pm, January 19, 2005
I think I have a reputation for making stupid bets, but I have managed to win a couple. Anyway, making bets that I'm not likely to win makes for a good challenge. And no, I'll never learn. :P
I don't think I'll be distracting anyone, they're more likely to distract me! I met this great guy when I was doing some community service as a girl guide (it's basically a girl scout without the cookie selling).
Mark hasn't gone away, well, at least I hope he hasn't.
Oh, and Saman is great, Saman is the like the one ring that rules them all, Saman is the master of The Force, Saman, Saman, Saman....
MMORPG, basically what Wayland said. It's just like an RPG (with stats and spells/skills and EXP and stuff), only it's played online and you can have thousands of people playing at the same time as you, tens of thousands even, though there are different servers to handle the demand, and for people in different parts of the world. WoW has been sold out for ages :'(
I'm officially boycotting the tennis.
Fodder, at 2:48 am, January 20, 2005
Oh!! Boycotting the tennis Anna?? That's dreadful :(. You know it's really not that bad in real life...surely some of the players are nerdy eh? Well it might not be totally obvious but ah deep deep deep down inside...hidden under an muscly exterior there just might be...ok ok I'll move on.
Oh I know...maybe Mark could like tennis?
Anyway glad that he's been found again! Tell me was he really captured? If so did he bring you some of that gold back? If so do you have too much gold on your hands? If so might I be able to have some? Ok well don't blame me for getting weird since er, you did start it yourself...
JingleBells, at 6:18 pm, January 20, 2005
I have three words to say: what the feck?
I didn't really read the bottom bit, until Jing's comment and now um...Wayland out...
Wayland, at 11:53 pm, January 20, 2005
Hahaha, Wayland using the words "what the feck"! Well I never...
However this comment has a greater purpose than to simply remark on Wayland's recent...phrasing and THAT is to put into writing a certain BET between Anna and I :).
The bet is that Anna will fall in love before the end of this year. I say aye, she says nay. The outcomes are as follows: if she wins - I dress up as a goth (black clothing, black boots I guess but most importantly black lipstick/nails/whatever else goths like black with that freaky white be courtesy of Jean). Oh yeah and I gotta turn up to uni dressed like that for one day. BUT, if I win - Anna must wear a skirt and heels for er...I think it was either a day or a week (help please Jean my memory is...not...good...).
Alright! Feel free to correct me/elaborate on the terms/conditions Anna and Jean. I'm off to bed!
JingleBells, at 12:35 am, January 22, 2005
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