10 Things I Hate About Being A Check-Out Chick
Since my username is 'annatheannoying', I thought I'd put something up about annoying people; in particular, check-out people.
1. If you're paying with notes, fold them or crumple them up so that they're as little as possible. If the notes aren't nice and flat, then they tend to spring up whenever you lift that thing that holds them down.
2. Pay with as much change as possible. And make sure not to count it out in front of the person, because they can count it while you're doing it. So if you just hand them out a lot of change, they have to count it out for themselves.
3. If paying by EFTPOS and asked if you want cash out, change your mind constantly (I don't know if you can do this at other supermarkets, but you can at Safeway).
4. When getting change, ask for it in 5c coins, or whatever you think you can carry, depending on how much you're getting back. This works really well with number 2, and you can get some extra annoyance in if you go back to the same person and pay them with all the change that you just got! [Plus, in order to give you your change, they might have to order more change, so they'll have to call their supervisor to get that change.]
5. If you're buying lots of stuff, tell them that you don't need a bag, and then watch them as they run out of space to place things. Laugh a little to yourself, and then tell them that you changed you mind (or that you realised that you forgot your bags), and that you do actually want everything bagged.
6. Try and get it so that you get $88.85 change (if you're feeling rich and like carrying around $100 notes), or $38.85- basically an amount that makes them have to use as many different coins and notes possible.
7. Go through at the express lane and hold a basket (with about 10 items) saying something like, "Oh, I'm sorry, but I think I'm over the limit. Is it still OK if I come through?". If it works, they'll look at your basket and say, "Yeah, you're probably just over," [insert attempt at polite smile] "Come on through." You hand over your basket and while they're halfway through say, "Oh, and I forgot about these 5 other baskets that I had, silly me! Sorry about that." If you're at Safeway, and you've spent over $15, then the cashier will have to call their supervisor to void that sale (I don't know the value for anywhere else), so I think they'd rather just finish it off.
8. This one is a little gross, but if you're after a lot of meat, make sure that it's still dripping blood. If it drips enough, then they'll have to get a mop and bucket to clean it (Yep, I've had to do this.) because it's a safety hazard if the floor is wet- can't have too many of those lying around. Also, if they don't clean up the blood, it dries, and it's hell cleaning blood off those conveyor belt things.
9. Buy a few items, and then exclaim that you've forgotten something. Ask if you can quickly run and get it. If they're nice, which most of them are (and I know that this will make you feel a little guilty), but run off and... DON'T COME BACK! Yep, just leave through another register, or out of any other exit that you can find. After a while, they'll save the transaction and continue serving other people (waiting customers are grumpy people, and grumpy people are very persuasive). If you're feeling particularly mean, choose that time to come back, and seem angry that they didn't wait.
10. When you are being served, ask the cashier how they are. When they ask you in return, tell them your life story. This one takes a little guts, but make sure that there are people behind you, and don't make any signs of moving away. Even if you've paid for your stuff already, keep talking. If you manage it well enough, they won't be able to get a word in. [This is one of the reasons why I hate the question 'How are you?'] Eventually, someone behind you will get angry. You have to judge this right- some people start sighing, but they're not likely to say anything. Others will start reading a magazine, so they're fine. It's usually someone that's alone and/or carrying a lot of stuff that is likely to get angry. Also, try to make it seem natural, but turn around and pretend not to notice everyone (you could demonstrate a dance move or something), but check to see if anyone is looking at their watch. If they pull out a gun, that's definitely a sign that you should make haste!
I have to say though, nobody mentioned any of this stuff to me when I did cashier training. They told us about people who ae picky about which things go in which bags, and people who demand plastic bags for a piece of gum, but never any of the people who do those above listed things. If they had, I think that I would have thought twice about taking this job. I swear, it's an exercise in emotional restraint.
Anyway, I just wanted to complain about work. Please, please, don't do anything that I just listed there. You never know, you might be the cause of supermarket cashiers committing suicide.
Hear hear! Being a check-out chick sure does suck!
Man those meat stains sound mean...
I was actually a check-out chick too once upon a time, at K-mart. It sucked. Sure we didn't any dripping meat or express lane cheats but we got dripping PLANTS (a wonderful blend of dead leaves, dirt, water...and of course a little of fertiliser to make it extra mushy!)...I mean, there's an exit where the garden section is! Can't you people go out THERE!?? PLEASE??! Ah well, can I complain more??
The thing that bugged me the most about K-mart Preston was that we HAD those conveyor belt thingies but THEY DON'T ACTUALLY WORK. So half the customers would place their items as far as away from you as possible expecting it to move and stare at you blankly when you ask "could you please them closer?" and try to explain that you work in a dodgie (oops, was I supposed to have said that?), cheap-arse environment that can't afford to keep a few black belts rolling. *sigh*
But anyway, you can count me being nice to my check-out chicks. Heck, I even UNFOLD all of my notes and THEN put them in my wallet to make them nice and flat now!
JingleBells, at 7:01 am, October 26, 2004
HAHAHA! Brings back memories of the time i worked the counter at my parents' shop. I know a check out chick wont get this but can i just add... a sure fire way to piss off the counter-gal is to ask the price of EVERYTHING! (ie. 'How much is it for this 500g block of dairy milk?' "How much for this 500g block of marble?' 'How much for this 500g block of Snack chocolate?' oh... thats expensive... 'how much for this 250g block of Dairy milk?)
Unknown, at 5:44 pm, October 26, 2004
Hm...makes me count my lucky stars in being a Subway Artist. All I have to do is mop up spilt drinks and through out various bits of garbage (ew...garbage water).
Anyway, there's not that much variety in the way of difficult customers. I mean there are only so many ways of asking "what's that green-lettuce-looking-like-stuff you have there next to the red-tomato-resembling-things?"...or not. Anyway what I'm getting at is that it's not a very hard job...that's probably why I don't get paid much...
Anyway...go check my blog people! And leave comments!
Wayland, at 6:50 pm, October 26, 2004
You guys can come through anytime! Dripping plants...ew! Fertilizer stinks, I hate it when you're walking down the street, and then you're hit by that smell.
They do ask how much everything is. And if it's not what they expected, we have to call someone from grocery to verify it. And when they keep changing their mind, I wonder why the grocery people don't carry mobiles so that we can call them every two seconds. Their job seems to be price checking more than shelf stacking!
Another Vision: Hey, you live in Japan? Have you been on the shinkansen? I really want to go! (Hmmmm, maybe it'd be easier if I posted on their blog...)
Fodder, at 8:29 pm, October 26, 2004
BTW, Sharon ways the voiding limit is actually $30.
Fodder, at 6:35 pm, November 02, 2004
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