Jean pretty much summed up the reunion in her blog, and I'm too lazy to type up the same stuff, so just head over to there to read it: (Telemarketers... no clue...)
Isn't she a brilliant writer?
I haven't posted in a while, since I've been spending time playing around with me new camera! Well, not so new since I've had it since Manifest, which was 14-15 of August.
I've got about 6 hours of footage, but 1 hour of it is just my relatives playing Mah Jongg, so none of it is very interesting. Though I managed to get Sharon singing. The camera was sitting right in front of her, and the red light started flashing when the tape was running out. I still can't believe she didn't see it!
There's also some footage from the reunion, but it's kinda disjointed, and I'm not too sure what to do with it. Though I did tell Jean that I would show it to William first, so I'll have to do something with it soon because Steve is asking for it.
I should be studying for the Japanese listening test tomorrow, but I'm so unmotivated at the moment, all I want to do is watch Azumanga Daioh. (for those of you who haven't heard of it, it's an anime) Osaka is so cool. It's so sad that there aren't anymore episodes. :'( OK, I'd better look at the word list at least, otherwise I'll start watching Alias and not do anything at all!
けいぐ, みんなさん! ひらがなをよめますか?
敬具、みんなさん! ひらがなを読めますか?
Hey, the Japanese does come up, though you might need to have it installed on your computer before you can read it. If you don't, it says, "Keigu, minnasan! Hiragana o yomemasuka?" which means, " (Keigu is some closing phrase for letters, I don't even know what it means. Dougal sensee probably told us, but I forgot), everybody! Can you read hiragana?" I put the kanji there so that anyone who knows Chinese can get the gist of the sentence, and could one of you tell me what keigu means? It's the first two characters. As you can see, I'm going to fail Japanese!!!
Nihongo wa muzukashii desuga, daisuki desu.
Japanese is difficult, but I love it.
err... thanks anna for the compliment (i think? were you being sarcastic? remember i have no self-esteem what so ever so i will hold you personally responsible for my eventual suicide!)
Unknown, at 10:09 pm, September 16, 2004
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