No, that's not 'Drunk Path', it's supposed to be like empath, but for drunken people. Which is what I think I am. A drunken empath. That is, I act drunk around drunken people, even though I'm not. Drunk that is. (Man, the word 'drunk' is there a lot!)
[Note the time stamp on this- it's too early in the morning to form cohesive sentences!]
I'm not too sure when the thought occurred to me, but I've been thinking about it for a while now. I don't drink, even when invited to drinking parties (so sorry, Tash, and Chris!) so I don't know what I'd be like if I really were drunk, but I've just noticed that I generally talk more and say things I normally wouldn't, while around people that are drinking. And since most of the people that read my blog are doing med/dent, I figured maybe they'd know why.
Although it's possible that I'm a hypochondriac (though drunkpath-itis isn't actually a disease....yet!) because in year 10 I diagnosed myself with every possible mental disorder that I could find. And then decided that wasn't enough, so I started looking for exotic diseases that I could have. It was a pity that I didn't show symptoms of any of the deadly ones, or I could have been a walking anthrax-bomb-ish thing! Going back to 18th century terrorism techiniques.
Its Ebola. Deal with it.
PS. Can i interest you in a set of solid gold cufflinks?
PPS. Hey i have an idea! Why dont i get you drunk and record your behaviour. As for being empathic towards those around you, i hope your excuse is spending your life with idiots (Of which club i am a paid up, life time member. A-he-a-he-a-he-snort)
Unknown, at 4:05 pm, September 26, 2004
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