Anna = 200 metres ???
WARNING! Sorry to all the guys that are reading this post, but I'm going to make some really sexist comments! I don't mean it in a bad way, but I'm just trying to defend myself. SORRY, SORRY, SORRY, SORRY!!!
Graham, Tom and I played 40k again yesterday; but I'm not going to go into what happened in the game. Though during the game, Tom made a comment that one of Graham's models had its hand in a 'feminine' pose. I said that I have never made a gesture like that and that's when Graham decided to educate me about something that a lot of people have pointed out to me, but I don't think is true.
Graham said I was 200m, and Tom was 500m. In his [Graham's] opinion, I should stop spending so much time with the 500m people and try to hang around with more 200m people. I didn't quite understand why I was 200m and Tom was 500m. I'm not 200m tall, I don't compete in 200m races (Tom does athletics, but Stefan told me that they do 10/20km), I don't live 200m from anything that Graham would know- so what's with calling me 200m???
What I think he was getting at (and I'm sure that you've all figured it out by now) was that I spend way too much more time with guys than I do with girls- which is definitely not true! What's worrying is that, at my 18th birthday party, Tu made a similar comment; and Ting(guy) and Lucien have gone so far as to say that I'm like a guy! I don't get it.
I don't sound like a guy, I don't look like a guy (I hope), I don't smell like a guy (as far as I know), I don't taste like a guy(but I'm not going to verify that) and I don't feel like a guy. That covers all five senses, so what else is there? Not a big fan of fast cars. I'm hopeless at sports.
I can't help that I like computer/console games, wargaming, sci-fi and playing chess. I know plenty of females that like these things too. As for the hanging around guys too much thing:
1. I'm still looking for a new gay best friend.
2. Almost all of my friends from Japanese are female.
3. I AM doing engineering!
So it might just look like I hang around guys a lot, but I don't. At least, I don't think I do... now I'm getting second thoughts. One of the problems I had with auctioning niichan over MSN was that most of the people that I had online were other guys. All of my friends from my eng subjects are all guys.
On the other hand, the person that I hang around with most is Sharon, and she's not a guy!
Hm, I don't see what's so sexist about all those things you mentioned. Stereotyped, maybe. Generally true, perhaps. But definitely not sexist; well at least I don't think so.
Well there's nothing wrong with hanging out with lots of people who are the opposite gender, and as you said you are doing Engineering! So don't worry about it. Well in any case you don't come across as being guy-ish over MSN!
Wayland, at 12:33 am, October 02, 2004
No need to get too defensive Anna! When I mentioned it, it was more as a joke, and I didn’t even start the topic...
I didn’t realise you were so concerned about it though, so sorry if I upset you. To people who actually know you, you are definitely girl-ish ... you have Sharon, Yasmin, Jean and all your Japanese friends; and looking pretty in a beautiful dress! You should have acted out the bet about miniskirts too :-D
Anonymous, at 2:57 am, October 03, 2004
Whoops, I didn't mean to sound upset or defensive (even though that's what I said I was doing), but thanks guys. :D
I was just wondering if anyone could figure out the 200m thing, though I should probably ask Graham what he meant. For some reason, I was also thinking about all the old men at the chess club that I spend time with. It only just hit me that I'm the only female there other than Nick's ex-girlfriend who goes overseas a lot.
Besides, being a guy wouldn't be that bad. If I were a guy then maybe I'd stop getting clothes for my birthday (ha! Like that'd ever happen... :( It seems everyone gets clothes.); people would stop calling me "sweetie/sweetheart" at work; I'd stop getting that "Hey, let's play against the girl, she'll be easy to beat!" thing at chess.
But then again, I wouldn't get that, "Protect her, she's a girl" thing in games (which is probably the only reason that I ever win); I don't have to pee in urinals (sorry, but it looks so wrong); and nobody expects me to be good at sports.
And NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO to ever wearing a mini-skirt! Trust me, me in a mini-skirt is not a good thing.
Fodder, at 5:57 pm, October 03, 2004
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