Pandas Rampaging in Restaurants
Last night I finished reading Eats, Shoots and Leaves, by Lynne Truss. It's a book that's now a best-seller by a woman who is a stickler for puntuation. She even went so far as to go around with a marker adding the apostrophe to the posters from the movie Two Weeks Notice (it's supposed to be Two Weeks' Notice; in this case it's indicating time). [Look at my use of the semi-colon! I'm not too sure if it's right, but it's supposed to be the bridge between two sentences that are directly related. Well, if Lynne Truss is reading this- that would be so cool- I'll happily edit anything that she finds wrong with it.]
I just wanted to put here some examples, from the book, of misplaced/missing punctuation.
Dicks in tray (I'm guessing it's supposed to be Dick's in-tray)
Glady's (on the badge of a salesgirl, who is probably named Gladys)
apple,s, orange,s and grape,s (I guess they don't know about the apostrophe)
Your 21 today! (on a birthday card)
Look at the difference puntuation makes in these sentences:
A woman, without her man, is nothing.
A woman: with her, man is nothing.
The convict said the judge is mad.
The convict, said the judge, is mad.
And if you're wondering what this has to do with pandas rampaging, read the book! It does go into the history of punctuation, which I strangely found interesting after a while, but I know it's not for everyone. The book is funny; it was even classfied as Reference/Humour. It's barcode number is 9781861976123 and it's ISBN is 1-86197-612-7. As you can see, I've run out if stuff to say about the book. Just go out and read it!
i really want to read that now. Hmm... just a thought i think stream of consciousness writing is totally underrated its fun trying to work out whats been said read guitar highway rose its written in stream of consciousness the book is for young teens but its pretty fun
Unknown, at 4:22 pm, September 28, 2004
Ah! The lack of punctuation... I can't... handle... help... *faints*
[Look at all the overworked ellipses. :'(]
Actually, I forgot to mention that I don't think Lynne Truss likes emoticons. :( I love emoticons!
Fodder, at 6:25 pm, September 28, 2004
Wow, just look at this.
Fodder, at 6:49 pm, September 28, 2004
Yes I understand completely. I'm a bit of a stickler for punctuation myself (but not to the extent of this woman; I would call what she did as obsessive-compulsive); although that damned semilcolon confuses the heck out of me (hope I used them right here)! I just don't get it! What is the stupid thing for? When can I use it? Ah well, I don't really need it I guess, but it looks quite impressive when you can use it properly.
Anyhow, thanks for the support Anna but I'm not about to start blogging anytime in the forseeable future. That is to say, no more blogging this year (I'm not really good at predicting the future). Nice try though.
Oh and by the way, only my posts that are marked as being from my account are from me. The other ones are just my friends trying to elicit a response.
Wayland, at 5:56 pm, September 29, 2004
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Fodder, at 10:07 pm, October 05, 2004
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