Mocktion™ No. 4!
(isn't she pretty?)
Name: Jing Wang
D.O.B.: 21/03/86
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Black
Height: 155cm I think...but could be 156cm for all we know
Likes: MUSIC!!!! e.g. Jeff Buckley, Led Zeppelin, the Killers, Augie March, Pearl Jam, Maroon 5, the Smiths, Franz Ferdinand, QOTSA, Nick Drake, etc etc.
Dislikes: techno and dance music. People who fake being nice. Drizzling rain (either don't rain or just bucket down please!)
Position in the army of Anna the Supreme Ruler of the Universe: lazy...something...see I'm too lazy to come up with a position even. Ok ok more seriously...the...lazy but enthusiastic soldier who's more interested in...out of the job activities...such as music...and more music...and more but don't get me wrong. I'd contribute to the cause. Just in a way that's not so obviously contributing. Am I making any sense? ok I'll move on.
A: There are three birds in a room. One is eating grain, one is dancing the 'Can-Can', and one is flying. Which is the real bird and why?
J: The one dancing the 'Can-Can' of course! It's the only REAL bird cos it appreciates good music as all good birdies ought to.
A:What is the best birthday present that you've ever received?
J: I recieved the best present ever tonight called "a sonnet to jing". VERY belated, but... great present. [EDIT: 14/10/04 1:17AM]
A: What are you most afraid of?
J: DEATH!!! No no seriously um...dying alone? Or losing a loved one suddenly.
A: If you had a pet, what would you want it to be? And what would you call it?
J: It would be a talking frog named Herbet...don't ask.
A: Is farming fun?
J: Hmmm...what sort of farming? Would it involve killing? If so...NO. If not...still no.
A: Which do you prefer: A guy who does the whole pulling-out-the-chair-and-paying-for-stuff thing, or a guy who is more into equality?
J:First one. Cos: 1. I'm seriously broke and 2. It's...nice. But I mean if I wasn't so pathetically broke or if the guy wasn't so well off himself I'm all for equality.
A:Would you serenade someone in public, or like to be serenaded?
J: Um...I'd definitely LIKE to be serenaded :). As for serendading someone else in public, it's a possibility if I could see the necessity there.
A: What is your favourite movie?
J:At the moment I'd have to say...Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Almost Famous.
A: What do you think about pancakes?
J: I'm quite impartial when it comes to pancakes. I mean they're good...but not...THAT good.
A: What type of plastic surgery would you get if you woke up and found
you looked like John Howard?
Silly me. If you want to know more about Jing, why not check out her blog: ?
Completely unrelated: it's niichan's birthday today! Happy 18th birthday, Ricky-nii!
(I know that niichan is older brother, and that I'm older than him, but he didn't want to be my otouto.)
Ah can't be bothered reading all the text at this time of night but judging from the picture alone, I'll start things off at $1,000 (let's start low shall we, don't want this thing to be no fun!).
Wayland, at 1:11 am, October 03, 2004
Why only a thousand wayland?? why not waste alllllllllllllllll ur money???? :P
but really. i would compete for jing with all *checks wallet* 5 bucks that i have atm!!!!!! hey, ways, arent' u on sale too?!?! how mcuh are u?? tell me when ur on sale...
this is LEWIS
p.s. hey celina, lets start a duo.
p.p.s. hey anna!! sup.
Anonymous, at 6:11 pm, October 03, 2004
hey. jing just told me to up the bid to $1100 for her.
so i will.
Anonymous, at 6:13 pm, October 03, 2004
$1100? Bah!
My new bid, $5000
Wayland, at 6:16 pm, October 03, 2004
$5001. ha. i win.
Anonymous, at 6:21 pm, October 03, 2004
Haha Lewis, going the cheap way hey.
If that's the way you wanna play it, $5002 ;)!
Wayland, at 6:23 pm, October 03, 2004
Wayland man. women deprecciates over time....:P
Anonymous, at 6:24 pm, October 03, 2004
Awww...having 2 guys fight it out over you. So violent and unnecessary and yet so adorable and sweet. *loveheart*
Unknown, at 4:30 pm, October 04, 2004
Jing is worth so much more than that!!! Hey Lewis!
Fodder, at 10:34 pm, October 04, 2004
Ah but if everyone else is too CHICKEN (or lazy) to bid I'll be getting her for a RIGHT OLD BARGAIN! Yay!
Now back to studying...
P.S. What do we get for "winning" this lovely young lady?
P.P.S. Yes, really off to study now...
Wayland, at 10:54 pm, October 04, 2004
Niichan said that he bids, "12 dollars worth of candy, also a dinosaur".
Fodder, at 11:20 pm, October 04, 2004
yeah wayland, looks like you'll be getting me for a real bargain!
anyhow, YES Anna! i remember bennett from primary school!! why who could forget him? we even had a little er..."catch-phrase" for him:
"bennett is ben!" ("ben" as in well, stupid in chinese but um...u're not really bennett if u're reading this...)
ok happy bidding to all (read: PLEASE SOMEONE ACTUALLY BID FOR ME...aside from Wayland!)
JingleBells, at 7:21 pm, October 05, 2004
A dinosaur? That's kind of hard to compete is a real toughie...
Do you mean one that has somehow survived all this time through the ages, one that you somehow created in a lab and raised to maturity, or perhaps one of those plastic ones that came in many, many issues of some magazine...which was cheap for the first few editions and then really expensive as you got more addicted...but I digress. about...primordial slime? Full of evolutionary goodness in every can!
Oh, and plus $6000 (got to raise it some time...)
Wayland, at 8:02 pm, October 05, 2004
Niichan said that he's bidding a teenage mutant ninja turtle: Donatello!
I think Jing is getting a bit weirded out...
But I'm curious to see what Wayland will bid now.
Fodder, at 10:11 pm, October 05, 2004
But can Donatello compete with Master Splinter (who, for those, like me, tend to be slow at times, I am going to bid)?
Wayland, at 10:26 pm, October 05, 2004
I've been thinking and...
I bid Jeff Buckley's guitar!
Wayland, at 10:38 pm, October 05, 2004
Oh, and on top of that I add Vincent Van Gogh's masterpiece "Starry Night".
Wayland, at 10:44 pm, October 05, 2004
I got lost after the last few comments ..
what the hell are you guys bidding ..
hrmm yeh anyway ..
my bid: $7000 & i'll shout her dinner =)
i think i'm gonna win another bid .. rofl
Anonymous, at 11:53 pm, October 07, 2004
Niichan says: there is nothing in my room to inspire inspiration for a silly bid so to beat splinter i will be lame and just say an optimus prime which is unbeatable=o
also a uhh pocketmonkey which is something i just made up
[I don't know if that beats the last bid :S]
Fodder, at 12:01 am, October 08, 2004
Hm...interesting bids there. Haha you know what, funny thing...I was going to bid Optimus Prime instead of Master Splinter.
Okay, here goes with the new bid (in addition to the other stuff I've bid):
$10 000, organise a private screening of "The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and "Almost Famous", plus dinner, and to top it all off Wolverine (and Jubilee to take care of Optimus Prime)!
Wayland, at 12:38 am, October 08, 2004
Hrmm how can i compete with a private screening of 2 movies, $10,000 and dinner too.
Aaahh gone into deap thought .................
$15,000, i'll come pick you up (in my brand new BMW), take you to dinner (anything you want, i'll buy), i'll organise either a Pearl Jam or Maroon 5 private concert, after party with either one of those groups, BOTH if you want, i'll create a new bank account and deposit in a few billion dollars, for a spending spree.
Since i'm a multi-multi-googolplexillionaire, i'll just pay for anything you wish for ey!?
Ooohhh might as well ... new bid: $20,000
Anonymous, at 1:27 am, October 08, 2004
hey princess jinglebells
hmm wat can i bid....I know, i will write u a book of my special poems. u will feel so special, u will be in ecstasy.
eg... jing u r beautiful,
even with your mouth full
that special touch of paradise
in u that attracts all the hansome guys (like me)
THERE. my little appetizer that will leave u in state of wanting more and more and more.
secondly, i will give you your most wanted guy in the world. we all know who this is and im the only guy who can give it to u. (since u dont really have a lot of taste, that guy is obviously not me but his name starts with w. yeps its true, im the only one who can give him to u. as u r reading this, u r getting very excited arnt u, very very excited, urging your eyes to read more and more of my bid.
well let me tell u. there is one thing in the world better than this guy who i am alredy gonna give to u....(if u had some taste, that 1 ting would be me...but since u dont) that one thing in the world is.....
...its a mystery. as u can see, i am not even bidding any money. bcos i know that this mystery, u dearly want to find out. and only if i win this bid will i tell u what this mystery is....heres a little clue
this little thing we all do desire
its the most precious in all history
money,love we dont require
if we have this little mystery
only if i win this bid
this mystery u will possess
when i win, just like a lil' kid
this secret answer i will confess
remember: ONLY if i win this bid will u get this one little mystery u are just inklin' to possess
Anonymous, at 11:27 am, October 08, 2004
btw that last LONG comment was by me :andrew
i better win!
Anonymous, at 11:28 am, October 08, 2004
Ah, this will be hard to compete with, I mean with all those concerts and talk of "this guy"...will take a real effort of thought.
Okay, I've got it. On top of everything else that has been promised (of course), I will personally collaborate with Eddie, Stone, Mike, Jeff and Matt to write her a full album, dedicated just for her! Yes that'll do. Haven't thought of the lyrics yet though so no sample can be given.
With delivery of "this guy" I think I will probably be more able to do that than Andrew will.
And, of course, the money. I will bid my "Unlimited Credit Card" for an even BIGGER shopping spree, and construct the world's biggest music library! Finally, the bid will be extended to $30000.
Wayland, at 3:01 pm, October 08, 2004
in case u havent noticed wayland. girls (with the exception of some not mentioning any names) are not into money. your unlimited credit card is no match to my mysterious prize :D
ok since without much clues jing doesnt really have a clue wat my mystery prize is. so to further tempt her tastebud...i mean..brainbuds??? ok i really shouldnt be doing med. anyway those things in your brain that make u think, heres a little more clues to wat my mysterious prize will be
i once was dead but with a little assistance
get pepared to rejoice
i will be drawn back into existence
with all my looks and voice
ahem yeps. whatever wayland can offer you, or lewis for that matter, they cant offer you this can they. if u still havent worked out my mysterious prize, he starts with j
yeah yeah im sure u know now, so consider this offer wisely :D
andrew (hehe rememebered my name)
Anonymous, at 6:49 pm, October 08, 2004
ok im adding to my bid since jing is not convinced that my bid can top wayland's...pfft i am so offended.
on top of all the things i have bid
(lemme remind u: book of poems - i think i have given u plenty of appetizer's alredy, wl himself and the mysterious prize which is not so mysterious any more)
on top of that i have 2 more things to offer
these 2 things r related once u have figured out my 2nd puzzle. ok this is my 1st offer spoken to you by the offer himself
"recently i recieved an urgent call from my friend andrew, sayiong that he needed help to outbid wayland. i have come personally to save him and this is wat i have to offer
from a disney movie i have been sent
you'll be surprised once u know
i can offer u anything to your hearts content
my powers to u i bestow" (G)
my 2nd offer is a clue to wat this 1st one is gonna be
my 2nd offer is a personal rendition of the song "wishes" by anthony callea (the song he sang at auditions. and considering how well he did the prayer, i think u'll enjoy this very much
there. my 2 additional offers on the table, i'm sure u've figured the 1st 1 out alredy
andrew :D
Anonymous, at 7:11 pm, October 08, 2004
final bid!
pirate monkey ninja robot
Anonymous, at 9:34 pm, October 08, 2004
Why all the cryptic stuff Andrew? Ah well I'm sure everyone has figured them out already!
I will bid this "wl" wrapped and delivered to Jing's doorstep ;).
Also, to beat niichan I bid a purple monkey dishwasher!
Oh and of course this on top of all that other stuff I've bid so far. That's it for another round from me!
Wayland, at 12:51 am, October 09, 2004
Hrmm wth!? is going on here!!!?!?
cant u people just bid, with dollar amounts?!
wats with all these robots, purple monkey and stuff.
Seriously Andrew .. just make a proper bid already.
Like me & Wayland have been doing. Geez!!
My New Bid: $40,000 and i'm sticking to something that i can Actually deliver. A nice dinner, movie and a gift of somesort. =)
Anonymous, at 2:01 am, October 09, 2004
Hrmmm wth?! are you guys on about!?
Bidding robots & purple monkeys or something WTH!? o.0
Why cant u just make normal "money" bids.
I content with Wayland's bids because he's actually made a "money" bid of $30,000. But andrew, if u wanna win .. starting bidding wif "money" not with some mystery guy!?!?!?!??
My New Bid: $40,000, and i'll do something that i can actually deliver ... dinner, a movie a gift of somesort.
Anonymous, at 12:27 pm, October 09, 2004
hrmmm woops i double-posted .. once @ 2am and once @ 12pm lol .. sorry
Anonymous, at 12:28 pm, October 09, 2004
the last few votes were from: J.D
me being quite forgetful .. this is the result of:
- lack of sleep
- studying too much
- me just being plain forgetful
oh well
Anonymous, at 12:36 pm, October 09, 2004
well im sure jing is not that kinda girl thats into money!
how can u guys be so shallow. i am...flabbergasted :D
mystery bids are the go cos if they cant work it out, u'll win :P cos they want u to tell them wat it is. but yeah jing's alredy worked my 2 mystery bids out :(. but still. i think my bids outweight all of urs :D
Anonymous, at 1:37 pm, October 09, 2004
Well, maybe my "collaboration" with Pearl Jam may have been a bit unrealistic on my part (my connections don't run that deep).
So as a consolation I have come up with the following. I will do all the song writing myself, and serenade her with it after a candlelit dinner. Also on the table are a movie, some music CDs (especially some certain Jeff Buckley ones...) and $50 000.
Wayland, at 2:40 pm, October 09, 2004
Well, maybe my "collaboration" with Pearl Jam may have been a bit unrealistic on my part (my connections don't run that deep).
So as a consolation I have come up with the following. I will do all the song writing myself, and serenade her with it after a candlelit dinner. Also on the table are a movie, some music CDs (especially some certain Jeff Buckley ones...) and $50 000.
Wayland, at 2:41 pm, October 09, 2004
Hrmmm god damn wayland u took my idea.
I was gonna add a few cd's into my bid also. Ahh damn =(
Hrmm since, Maroon 5 are comming going to have a concert in Australia soon, how bout a few tickets to that ey!? .. hrmm nice =)
So far: buying a gift of somesort, out to dinner (some fancy place), go catch a movie or two, then to Maroon 5 concert ... hrmm oh yes; Bid: $60,000
Anonymous, at 2:54 pm, October 09, 2004
Hrmmm god damn wayland u took my idea.
I was gonna add a few cd's into my bid also. Ahh damn =(
Hrmm since, Maroon 5 are comming going to have a concert in Australia soon, how bout a few tickets to that ey!? .. hrmm nice =)
So far: buying a gift of somesort, out to dinner (some fancy place), go catch a movie or two, then to Maroon 5 concert ... hrmm oh yes; Bid: $60,000
Anonymous, at 2:54 pm, October 09, 2004
Ok...this is gonna b THE winning bid.
Jing, i'm offering u what all these guys cannot offer u.....something only a gal can ;)
u work it out!
Anonymous, at 2:58 pm, October 09, 2004
Oooh Gosh!! o.0 ?!? *eyes wide OPEN*
What is that you can offer that none of us guys cant?!
Aaaiyah .. that gets me thinking ..
i wonder what it is....!?
Anonymous, at 3:06 pm, October 09, 2004
Hm...aren't they doing some Jeff Buckley thing in the UK some time in the near future?
I will bid a trip to Europe which includes this and also in the itinerary are: France, Italy, Spain and whereever else in Europe we might feel like going to! All expenses paid of course ;).
Plus, $60 001 (I can't afford too much else after this trip to Europe...hehe)
Wayland, at 3:06 pm, October 09, 2004
Hrmmm trip to Europe. God Damn. Wayland beats me again!!
>.< How can i comete with a trip to Europe?!?!
Aaaah i'm a bit highh and lost right now.
I sculled down 4 cans of V. + the 3 coffee's i had this morning. Aaaah gimme some to recover and think about something.
Anonymous, at 6:26 pm, October 09, 2004
Yay, does this mean that I'm on my way to winning :D?
Don't despair JD, I'm sure you'll be able to come up with something!
Wayland, at 10:20 am, October 10, 2004
Wow, this is so amazing! So many bids, so many people- it must be the pic.
Just wanting to tell everyone that the mocktion™ closes at the end of this month. That gives you plenty of time to think up something that'll really win Jing over! Though it can mean that Ben's prediction could be right and someone could random bid a water bottle, and win.
Fodder, at 10:23 am, October 10, 2004
well in light of the news that the bidding is open till the end of the month
it appears it is not too late to begin bidding
but perhaps i won't waste my time
it appears there are too many experienced bidders in this mocktion and heres me being a first timer and all
(at least i can't remember bidding in any of the other mocktions)
yes yes wayland is too good
especially if he has been able to reduce J.D. to withdrawing from the bidding
oh well i like QOTSA too
"Heaven smiles above me
what a gift there below
but no one knows
The gift that you give to me
no one knows"
err stupid socks
shouldn't let them take over like that
maybe they think i might be good at singing
eh if only i could sing
well at least QOTSA make it sound good
some of Josh Holmes side projects is good too
Eagles of Death Metal are almost as good as QOTSA
too bad Josh is quitting them
well i had my say
good luck with the bidding guys
oh and who gets to decide who won?
the mocktioneer? (who i am guessing is Anna)
or Jing? hmmm
it appears Jing has already decided when it will be over
seesya later
Anonymous, at 10:30 pm, October 10, 2004
me .. withdrawing from the bidding ... HELL NO!!
i just need some time to think about what i can actually bid...
hrmm new bid: $60,002.
I have no idea what to add to the bid.
Hrmm still sticking to dinner, movie, pressie and stuff .. hrmm thinking about the stuff..
gimme some time .. time is all i need .. =)
Anonymous, at 9:30 pm, October 11, 2004
I'm "upping the ante" as they say.
Bid: $70 000 (plus all that other stuff, like the trip to Europe!)
Wayland, at 9:50 pm, October 12, 2004
Ah good thing people have run out of bids! I think I've almost exhausted my creative abilities for making good bids!
Ah, just got to hold on for a few more weeks, then this lovely young lady is all mine! Muhahahaha!
Wayland, at 6:28 pm, October 13, 2004
It seems like someone has already started showering Jing with presents!
A:What is the best birthday present that you've ever received?
J: I recieved the best present ever tonight called "a sonnet to jing". VERY belated, but... great present. [EDIT: 14/10/04 1:17AM]
Come on guys, what are you doing? Someone is already close to winning Jing's heart (yeah, we can guess who it is).
Fodder, at 1:24 am, October 14, 2004
Ah, a sonnet, those are hard to write, so I hear. Hm...wonder who wrote it...could it be "this guy" we've been hearing so much about?
Mysterious...And how will we ever top this single gesture that has been dubbed her "best birthday present ever" in her whole 18 year life?
Wayland, at 1:43 am, October 16, 2004
Oooh great. How am i supposed to go against a damn sonnet. That just makes my gifts seem like .. nothing.
Aaargh gonna go into deap thinking. Must do something to beat a sonnet. Even though i know i wonr beat it anyway. Hrmm upping the ante again. $70,500 + everything that i've said before. =)
... i might lose this time round ... =(
Anonymous, at 10:51 pm, October 16, 2004
Hope you're not giving up JD...I know I'll go down kicking and biting! Yeah! Hoo-ah!
Anyway...$71 000 and all that other others as I think of them!
Wayland, at 1:15 am, October 17, 2004
Wayland, you're like Apu. you're making it so hard for other guys to top what you've done!
Go JD, hang in there!!!
Fodder, at 9:38 pm, October 17, 2004
Ah yes, the seven surprises of Valentine...hope no one tries to "take care" of me like Homer and the gang tried to do to Apu...although that wasn't very successful. Well, let's hope that if anyone does come after me...they'll be as incompetent as the combined stupidity of Homer, Moe, Wiggum and Hibbert (but him less so...)!
Wayland, at 10:59 pm, October 17, 2004
Wow! This Mocktion is doing pretty damn well! Good stuff guys (and girls...) and keep it up!
ANYWAY, this is just a little note of encouragement.
BID BID BID! BUY BUY BUY! GIVE GIVE GIVE! (yeah I'm sooo persuasive I know) Anna and Wayland have said before me, don't give up JD! I AM getting YOU something after all!
OK, so basically thanks for all the bids so far guys and MAKE MORE MORE MORE! (So what if some guy wrote me a sonnet? So what if that sonnet was the best present I've EVER recieved in my ENTIRE life? I'm sure one of you'll be able to outdo
JingleBells, at 5:46 pm, October 18, 2004
Hm...sonnet hey...hard to beat.
How about this, don't know how much it'll do, but here goes!
I bid myself! Wrapped and delivered to your doorstep and ready to attend to your every whim i.e. be your slave for a day...or more depending on how the first day goes ;)...And of course add to this all that other stuff i.e. the $71,000, movie, dinner, trip to Europe etc.
Wayland, at 8:52 pm, October 19, 2004
Status: Still in deep thought...
Ideas are gradually comming .. i'm DEFINITELY NOT giving up.
And i thort a sonnet was bad..
How bout Wayland and his selfwrap present .. of himself.
rofl ... definitely cant top that ... oh gosh
Unless .... i gift wrap myself also?!
I got a fwe extra things in store..
Reigning champion will not give up ...
I've won 2 .. must make it .. 3 in a row!!
Raising the bid: $72,000 + everything that i've said + a few things extra .. ;) u guys will find out soon!!
Aaaah damnit .. i'm sick of being referred to as JD
damnit .. just call me JOHNNY .. lol
Anonymous, at 9:30 pm, October 20, 2004
Ah, sorry Johnny, will remember to address you by your name next time ;).
Anyway, not making a bid yet...have to think as the challenger, I have to make my mark ;). Can't let you have a three-peat!
Well on second thoughts, I'll raise the bar to $75,000 and add to that my other bids! Whoa, this is getting to be expensive...what if I suffocate? Ah well, just a small price to be paid I suppose...
Oh, by the way...from the ashes of my old blog rises the phoenix of a renewed and fresh blogging experience! Yes, check it out now at! Go, now, go!
Wayland, at 11:32 am, October 21, 2004
Hmmm...if we go by the exchange rates put out by ANZ for October 22 (84.01645 vatu buys 1 AUD...pretty pathetic...), your bid of 10000 vatu is worth not even $120AUD.
So bad luck Yt, I believe you're out of the game!
JingleBells, at 11:25 pm, October 22, 2004
Status: In deep thinking.. still .. lol =P
Hrmm 10,000 Vatu .. thats probably around .. $120?
Yeh sounds about right. =)
The previous bid was ... $75,000 AUS dollars.
$120 ~ compared with $75,000 .. big difference lol
Trying to go broke: new bid; $80,000 + everything stated previously.
Contemplating whether to just give the win to Wayland. He's been such a good competitor. I gota lose sometime.
Hrmmmm nah. =P
Anonymous, at 11:49 pm, October 22, 2004
Haha, nice thought there Johnny, but I don't want you to just give me the win. Got to make it worth it! You've been a real tough competitor too, really had me thinking a few times, and seeing as I know Jing better than you that's pretty good!
Anyway, new bid: $100,000 (might as well make it a nicely rounded number...I'm just a bit fussy) plus all that other stuff I've mentioned. On top of that...I the time I'm Jing's slave from a day to two days! That'll do for now...
Wayland, at 12:40 am, October 23, 2004
Status: forcing brain to think faster ...
Hrmmm; new bid: $110,000 + everything stated previously.
This is like going down to the wire; only a few days left.
Aahhhhh hrmm if i win this, it'll mean that i've won 3 in a row, i'll be going broke, and it'll be a great pressie for me, hanging out with possibly 3 ladies.
1-Tasha; 2-Anna; 3-Jing
*cough* oh btw, its my bday on the 27th *cough*
Aaaargh Wayland, keep it going; this battle aint over till its over!!
Anna are there actual prizes to these auctions; or are we gonna keep it strictly fictional? LoL. If there is gonna be some sorta outing or something; i'd be up for it. If strictly fictional, Great FUN =] !!
Anonymous, at 1:30 am, October 24, 2004
Hm...I'm still thinking of new bids as well.
But here goes.
New bid: $120,000 and a trip to Singapore added on to that trip to Europe! Plus all the other stuff! Oh, and perhaps a new sonnet?
Oh, and I'll remember to wish you a happy birthday Johnny. Damn I bet you're saving your best bid for 11:59 on the 31st of October. Hehe...damn...must think...Not long to go now...I hope there is an actual "prize" for this mocktion :D.
Wayland, at 4:08 pm, October 24, 2004
Hey guys, not sure if Anna's got a "prize" lined up for those other auctions but I'd be happy to oblige to say...a dinner on me?
That is, provided that the winner pays up his end of the bargain...i.e. over $120000 in cash and various other, jk jk!
Now, might I look forward to a new and better (hopefully) sonnet from you Wayland?? Well...keep bidding Johnny so Wayland HAS to write it!
JingleBells, at 4:28 pm, October 24, 2004
Oh, hope I'm not too early, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHNNY!
Hehe, there...I promised I would and I have delivered.
No bid this time, also in deep thought.
Wayland, at 12:02 am, October 27, 2004
Now that you're older and wiser you're bidding will surely improve yes? Not that it wasn't great before, just that now it'll be BETTER...therefore giving Wayland more of a challenge!
OK, enjoy the day!
JingleBells, at 12:10 am, October 27, 2004
Wow the 31st! Last day of bidding...really getting down to the where did I put those ideas I had...
Wayland, at 1:10 pm, October 31, 2004
We're at T-minus 15 minutes, and nothing is happening. The suspense is killing me!
Fodder, at 11:45 pm, October 31, 2004
Less than 10 mins!!!
Who will Jing take to dinner?
JingleBells, at 11:53 pm, October 31, 2004
i bid an empty water bottle!
i win!!!
lol jk jk
Anonymous, at 11:58 pm, October 31, 2004
My My My ... what a wonderful battle..
its down to the wire .. lets see who wins?!
my end of the deal ... $150,000
Which also includes:
- A candle light dinner
- A movie marathon .. 12pm - midnight with your choice of movies .. chosen prior to 12pm .. lol
- A round the world trip visiting places you've always wanted to go, and places of great wonder *wow*
- Spending quality time with a lovable guy like me *smiles* .. lol =P
- Having the time of your life ...
Wow its been a great battle Wayland .. and everyone else who's joined .. and the winner is ??????
if not me .. better be wayland!!!!
Fodder, at 11:58 pm, October 31, 2004
Here it is everyone, my final bid. The crowning touch. The winning (hopefully) goal just before the whistle.
To be added to the table:
1. An all expenses paid trip to China with a side-stop in Singapore. Included in the itinerary is sight seeing both in Singapore and China plus all the best food in however large quantities we can handle! Yay!
2. A new sonnet! One that should match the previous one (writing in progress)
3. All the previous bids.
Oh, and $1,000,000,000. She looks a millions dollars and is worth a billion! So this is only fair!
Wayland, at 11:58 pm, October 31, 2004
Everything i said before
+ $1,000,000,000,000,000
Anonymous, at 12:00 am, November 01, 2004
Bidding closed. All bids after this don't count!
Fodder, at 12:00 am, November 01, 2004
kawaii =)
Anonymous, at 12:01 am, November 01, 2004
Since 12AM is technically Monday, we've decided that Wayland is the last bidder, and hence, the winnder! Congratulations! :D Have to say though, Johnny made a good competitor, just faced with minor technical difficulties at the last minute!
Jing has nicely offered to treat both Wayland and Johhny to dinner, but we'll have to wait to see what happens to that. We'll probably be able to read about it on thier blogs.
Fodder, at 1:39 am, November 01, 2004
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